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‘Fake news’ and what to do about it
-a report from the White House
by Rev. M. Anthony Harper, IMCNews editor
Click on following YouTube link for my news reports:
DONATIONS needed in support of reporting the TRUTH at the White House.
Pictured above White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki with
White House journalist Dr. M Anthony Harper of the InterMountain
Christian News August 30, 2021 standing up with a blue shirt and
red tie
raising his hand facing
the Press Secretary.
To watch video of White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki calling on Dr. Harper Monday April 25, 2022 to boldly and clearly ask his following questions on AntiSemitism, click on the following
YouTube link:
To watch video of White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki calling on Dr. Harper Thursday April 7, 2022 to ask his following questions regarding Israel, click on the following YouTube link: https://youtu.be/0urLMsGAYZw
To watch video
of Press Secretar
Psaki's "Welcome back Dr. Harper" greeting after
he survives the
Covid virus and returns to the
White House, click on
the following
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/nwNFT77xoqE
Pictured above White House Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany with
White House journalist Dr. M Anthony Harper of the InterMountain
Christian News September 30, 2020.
Pictured above HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson
with White House
journalist Dr. M Anthony Harper of the InterMountain
Christian News September 30, 2020. To watch Dr. Harper's YouTube
interview with him, click on the following link: https://youtu.be/EnrefjnBeH4
Pictured above: With White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Hogan Gidley in his office at the White House February 14, 2020.
Watch and interview with White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Hogan Gidley regarding Religious Freedom and
'Fake News' issues by
clicking on the following YouTube link: https://youtu.be/okG3-vtDtSI
Pictured above in the White House James Brady Daily Briefing Room Monday July 17, 2017.
Click on following YouTube link for my news reports:
(BOISE, Id) -- Along with many disillusioned voters, the evangelical Christian voters are concerned about having access to credible news. This is also a concern for Mr. Dinesh D’Souza in his recent documentary now out in theaters titled ‘Death of A Nation,’ wherein he is calling on White House leadership to follow President Lincoln’s example in the middle of a national crisis. Read President Lincoln’s proclamation wherein lies the solution to solving our national crisis at the following link: http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/fast.htm
Oddly enough though, there is not a significant daily group of Christian media present at the White House, therein lies a key problem. The question becomes, how do we get a good Christian media representation at White House press meetings? A good answer to this question to consider is prayer and financial support for the Christian media to have their offices located in Washington, D.C. supporting their daily trek to White House press meetings.
In my experience as a White House reporter, rarely do I witness other Christian media being called on during press conferences to ask a question. There is no rotation of Christian media presence, especially on the front row of the James Brady Press room, and Christians could ask, ‘Why is that?’ The ‘Fake news’ sources are unlikely to be reformed. ‘Fake news’ that is misleading to some is not ‘Fake news’ to another. With a growing distrust in traditional news and other institutions, a migration to alternative news and social media flourishes.
According to Andrew Klavan (2017), "mainstream American news is ALL fake
because the major news outlets are so consistently biased toward the left." (1) ‘Fake news’ is definitely not something new.
From a Christian perspective, ‘Fake news’ definition could even be expanded to include those news sources that do not support our Judeo/Christian values.
I have witnessed a lot of disrespect of other reporters for President Trump and his press secretaries and their confrontations with news reporters regarding ‘Fake news.’ You can feel the tension and hostility of many of the press against President Trump.
Please pray for me and others of the Christian media for favor in being called on to ask questions and have interviews with White House officials and other world leaders.
Andrew Klavan of Prager University joins InterMountain Christian News host Dr. Anthony Harper August 31, 2017 to talk about his article 'What is Fake News' and the issue of Fake News versus the Christian Media. To listen to this interview, click on link below:
For more information, visit our InterMountain Christian News web site and click on the ‘Donate’ banner to make your tax deductible donation in support of our Good News paper. Click on the ‘YouTube’ banner for our news interviews and other great videos. You can also call our office in Boise, Idaho at (208) 703-8688.