Letters to the Editor

Send your 300 word letters to the editor via e-mail at (no photos accepted): goodnews127@gmail.com All letters are reviewed for decency standards before consideration for posting. Thank you for your letters and GOD bless you.

In JESUS my Beautiful Savior King's Service,
Rev. Anthony Harper, Ph.D., Editor/Publisher

Letters To The Editor

Submitted Wednesday January 30, 2013
By Margaret Thompson, Virginia

After seeing the story on Glen Beck’s ‘The Blaze’ about your question to Jay Carney
(http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/01/30/jay-carney-had-absolutely-no-idea-how-to-answer-this-question), I decided to contact you. I am hoping you will help us spread information to fellow Christian Daughters of the American Revolution.

I am a member of National Society Daughters of American Revolution and am one of the Daughters in a dispute with the President General and the Executive Committee over their deletion of the name of Jesus and Christian references in a revised Ritual and Missal book used by chaplains to initiate new members and officers. FOX News did a segment on January 3. Afterwards, the NSDAR issued a public statement and emailed all 170,000 members claiming the report was false. Their statement is very misleading and the proof is in the books. A comparison chart of the old and new books is attached, along with scanned pages. We are attempting to let Christian members know the truth. I am hoping that you will help us, and I am attaching some information that will explain what we are fighting against.

When some members tried to alert chapters and members as to what was done, state and chapter regents immediately put a gag order in place and would not allow the matter to be discussed. (Keep in mind, this is an organization of descendants of men and women who fought for freedom of speech!) The reason given for the changes in the Ritual and Missal was to be more "inclusive," but the Ritual and Missal has always had alternate prayers and rituals for non-Christian members. There are so many chapters and members who are still not aware of what has happened. The more elderly members who do not use computers or social media have no way of knowing. The changes are so insidious that they even unethically changed the title of one of Helen Steiner Rice's poem "A Christmas Meditation" to "New Year Meditation." I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to why they eliminated the phrase "women of faith" from a prayer. Poems written by a former President General were deleted, one of which spoke of white crosses in reference to soldiers' graves.

We have established a Facebook page where you will find scanned pages from the book. The Facebook page is titled DAR Daughters for Tradition https://www.facebook.com/DarDaughtersForTradition. I urge you to visit the page and read a letter from Gail Nash, which explains things in detail. You might also want to visit the official DAR Facebook pages. There are two--the one with the building and cherry blossom is the official page. The other one with the large, blue DAR flags is managed by a very liberal group. Both pages have banned people who do not agree with their views. It is very disheartening to read comments on these two pages. It is so clear that there is an attempt to change the historical fact that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and the lack of knowledge of this fact is astounding! We also have a petition on CARE2 (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/820/102/062/dar-recall-the-ritual-and-missal-books-printed-in-december-2011) and would greatly appreciate people signing it. They do not need to be members to "Like" the DAR Daughters for Tradition page or to sign the petition. Any help you can give us to let Christian Daughters know the truth will be greatly appreciated.


Margaret Thompson, Virginia
Submitted April 25, 2011 by Louise Young

The "Bible Bus" has just come to the end of another 5yrs journey through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It is loading up for the next trip and there is a seat for you. So "hop aboard and enjoy the ride", as the late Dr. J Vernopn Mc Gee points out the beauty of the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"Above---- (2 Timothy 3:15:17).

Please call (208) 377-3790 for Radio "Travelog" (Boise, Idaho)
For additional information, click here to go to the KBXL/KSPD Radio station web site.

Sunday March 13, 2011

Churches and Christian Colleges Promote Error

For more than 20 years I have been concerned that our Christian colleges (including Northwest Nazarene University) are teaching theistic evolution rather than a six-day creation and that other biblical narratives are “myths” to teach spiritual truths. More recently I am concerned with the Emerging (Emergent) Church phenomenon.

Regarding the Emergent Church: Some Christian colleges have had men like Alexander McClaren speak to classes advocating salvation for people apart from Christ. Some reject his views but incorporate pagan practices (like the prayer labyrinth practiced by many religions before Christ) or Roman Catholic practices (like the eucharist and Ash Wednesday including putting a cross of ashes on foreheads).

My main concern is about believing the Bible as “the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.” I have learned that many Bible teachers believe it is inspired but inerrant only in matters of salvation—“soteriological inerrancy.” I learned this view only within the last year.

I spoke with the chairman of the NNU religion department and wrote to seminary Bible professors concerning their view/teaching regarding the historicity of Genesis 1-11 and Jonah. I gave the following biblical evidence that these are historical:

· Jehovah Himself: (Ex 20:9-11 and 31:15-17),
· Job (31:33),
· the prophets (Is 43:27 and 54:9; Eze 14:14,20; Hos 6:7),
· Jesus (Mt 24:37-39; Lk 17:26-27),
· the apostles (Ro 5:12-19; 1 Cor 15:21, 45-49; 1 Tim 2:12-14;)
· the writer to the Hebrews (11:7),
· and Jude 14

I asked whether these were all wrong. I received only two direct responses. One professor agreed they are historically accurate. One said, “ I do not believe the prophets, Jesus, or the apostles erred. I believe you have, grievously,” but he did not say he accepted those statements literally, and he refused further discussion. All other responses were wordy (except two who flatly refused to discuss the issue by e-mail) but were non-committal. They appealed to the statement of faith interpreted as advocating soteriological inerrancy.

We must teach our children reasons for believing the Bible as “the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God” before they go to college—even a Christian college. We must teach them both biblical and scientific reasons for believing. If we don’t, they will be taught to doubt the Bible.

Allen Marsh
Nampa, Idaho
Tuesday January 2011

Dear Editor:

In 1959 a defeated football team heard these remarkable words from their new coach," Gentlemen, this is a football."

After returning to all the basics, he gave the men new concepts that made the Green Bay Packers Super Bowl Champs, and Vince Lombardi a great and beloved coach.

If Christians in America would follow the example of that coach and team, and return to basics regarding our Christian Heritage, our nation could become great again.

Suppose every pastor held up the Bible on a Sunday morning and gave this unheard message: "This is a Bible, the Holy Bible, the God-breathed words of our Living Lord, and His divine Road Map to successful living and Eternal Life;" and suppose the people listened and learned, and followed the concepts, as the Packers did? Then God would restore the greatness of America. For we have His promise to that effect:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."IIChronicles 7:14 (KGV)

Louise Young
3425 N. Bryson Way
Boise ,ID 83713


Dear Editor:

The article about Tea Parties (Vol8 N1) was very good, and I totally support the idea of cutting back taxes and cutting back expenses. One idea that really concerns me is the possibility of the Tea Party forming a third political party. I hope that never happens.

What happens when there is a third party? In 1960 there were the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democrat party split and allowed the Republicans to win (a providential event). To my knowledge, no third party has ever won. I vividly remember Ross Perot giving the Democrats the 1992 and 1996 elections by taking conservative votes from Bush, the Republican candidate.

I don't know who the Republican presidential candidate will be, but whoever it is will be better than any Democrat candidate. If the Tea Party becomes a political party and has a presidential candidate, I can almost guarantee that it will give the election to the Democrat party.

From Allen Marsh, Nampa (submitted 1/11/2010)

Regarding The Shack book:

From Jim H., Boise (submitted 5/1/2009)

Thanks for leading the paper in the direction of standing against the tide of heresy. Last issue was the best I've seen..!

From Allen Marsh, Nampa (submitted 4/25/2009)

I first heard of The Shack reading the book review in the April-June issue of TVCNews. Knowing the problems of New Age, etc., I accepted it. Then my daughter called raving about the book. That began my investigation including reading the book.

The editor/publisher of this newspaper has included articles opposing The Shack in three of the last four issues. His concern for orthodoxy is commendable but he is overzealous here.

Michael Youssef (Feb-April) had only one valid criticism: Young’s presentation of the Father with nail prints is wrong because the Father did not physically suffer. Young erred in trying to show, as the included conversation says, that the Father suffered with His Son. I believe He did.

Young is NOT a universalist. I wrote to Young and received a reply repudiating universalism. Anthony Harper, editor/publisher of this paper has a copy. Youssef did not check with him (see Matthew 18:15) maligning Young—a sin.

On pages 162-163 Young presents Mack asking about God sending people to hell. God asks Mack to pick two of his children to go to heaven and three to go to hell. Mack can’t do it and asks to take their place. He’s told that’s like God. That’s true. God (in Jesus) took the punishment for every human. 1 John 2:1 says, “He is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”

Here is a segment of conversation with Jesus (page 182 ):

“[People] come from every system that exists. They were Buddhists or Mormons, Baptists or Muslims … [other groups]. I have no desire to make them Christian, but I do want to join them in their transformation into sons and daughters of my Papa….”

“Does that mean,” asked Mack, “that all roads will lead to you?”

“Not at all,” smiled Jesus….”Most roads don’t lead anywhere. What it does mean is that I will travel any road to find you.”


The representations of the Trinity are fictionally creative, not heretical.

The Forward describes Mack’s father who gave Mack a negative feeling about God as Father. In this fiction, “Papa” (Mack’s wife’s way of referring to her heavenly Father) first appears as a jovial black woman to get around Mack’s negative father image. At the end, “Papa” appears as a man. God (Jehovah) is neither male nor female.

The Shack is excellent reading expressing only one aspect of God's character—desire for a loving relationship. If we love God (Deuteronomy 6:5), we want to please Him, and there is no need for “law.” The omissions of the other aspects of God do not mean that the book is bad, or that it should be rejected. Hundreds, probably many thousands by now, have purportedly received Christ as Savior through reading this book.

Criticisms are exaggerations and/or taken out of context, and I don’t have space to respond to more. Contact me if you have specific questions.

Allen Marsh
412 Shoshone Avenue
Nampa, Idaho 83651

From Jim H., Boise, Idaho (Submitted 03/14/09)
Dr. Youssef's article (The Shack Uncovered) is very good. I have had it linked on my favorites for awhile and have sent the link to friends several times already. This edition of the paper is a strong one. I'm glad for your boldness to address things beyond the "fluff" of most so-called "Christian" material these days.

From John F., Boise, Idaho (Submitted 03/15/09
It saddens me that you have lost your own bearings. I know you to be educated but I’m pretty sure my theological credentials exceed yours. I have read The Shack twice with a careful attention to the story, the theological underpinnings and the fictional expression of exceptionally difficult but exceedingly critical personal issues. Your adoption of this shallow (at best) and probably disingenuous critique of The Shack is disappointing and makes me think that you would have been one of the myopic critics of CS Lewis as well…

I recommend that you retract your endorsement of Youssef’s spurious and anxious critique as soon as possible lest you find yourself in the company of the Pharisees Our Lord had so little regard for. You might discover that you have done a great deal of damage to the Kingdom of God in your zeal…

Christians Must Vote For Godly Values
By Allen Marsh, Nampa, Idaho (Submitted 10/30/07)

We are entering a new election year. In a democracy, Christians have the privilege and responsibility to God and country to elect leaders with godly values. We must learn the candidates’ values.

The foundation for much evil is the teaching of evolution—there is no God, no purpose, no ultimate value, and no absolute standards on which people will be judged. Creation teaches that man was created for a purpose and is accountable to God.

Belief in evolution has led to devaluing for human life. Man evolved by chance from slime (actually, from nothing) and has no more ultimate value than a maggot. Life can be terminated at the whim of society. Abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are common evidences as is the push for using embryonic stem cells. And there were the legalized murders of Terry Schiavo and others. In addition we see inhumane treatment of people—everything from name-calling and harassment to gruesome torture and murder.

Without valuing truth, historical revisionists are free to rewrite America’s history, even totally ignoring our early Christian influence. I viewed a new high school American history text with no mention of Pilgrims, Puritans, or Christianity. Catherine Millard’s book The Rewriting of America’s History details the progress of this up to the 1970’s, and it has continued.

Related to this is the value of parental choice in education.

Without absolute values, those in power do what they want regardless of what the law says. Lawmakers pass laws opposing the will of the people given in initiatives, and Judges, who are supposed to apply law, have been making law, even overruling laws legitimately passed. Senators refuse to allow a vote on judicial nominees not favoring unrestricted abortion.

Having no absolutes led to sexual license including homosexual behavior and even same sex “marriage.” Those promoting passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and hate crimes laws would abrogate religious and speech rights of Christians. Passage of the “Fairness Doctrine” for media would be anything but fair to conservatives, especially Christians.

Then there are issues like immigration and national security that cannot be discussed here.

Issues like social security, taxes, and energy are important, but they are secondary to values of morality and freedom described above.

The Democrat party, with few individual exceptions, opposes Christian/ conservative values. Republicans generally favor conservative values, but there are many variations. Current leading Republican presidential candidates favor un-Christian positions or waffle on them. For example, check Fred Thompson’s view of abortion and gay marriage.

Web sites giving all presidential candidates’ views are http://newsinitiative.org/medill/candidates/# and http://pewforum.org/religion08/.

Psalm 33:12a (ASV) says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah.”

William Butler Yeats, in “The Second Coming,” describes much of our society: “The best lacked all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.”

Godly people must get passionate about their godly values, otherwise America’s Christian freedom will be lost and America will self-destruct.

Allen Marsh
412 Shoshone Avenue
Nampa, Idaho 83651

The Fourth Commandment In America Today
By Allen Marsh, Nampa (Submitted 08/22/07)

Nampa has (or had) a big conflict over whether the public library should open on Sunday. Many are pushing for it, but the city council is divided about it. As of this writing, the issue has not been resolved.

Founded as a Christian nation, Sunday was regarded as a holy day (the Lord’s Day) until the middle of the 20th century. The gradual advance of Secularism and erosion of Christian beliefs and principles has resulted in, among other things, a lack of Sunday observance.

In Muslim lands, Friday is holy. In Israel, Saturday is holy. In Christian lands, Sunday (the Lord’s Day) was holy. However, Secularism, which recognizes no holy day, has overcome Christianity. Not only have individual Christians conformed to the world in this, but nearly all churches, including conservative, evangelical churches, have succumbed to society’s pressure to participate in business and pleasure activities on Sunday. Like cooking the frog, the change has been gradual and not observed by the population.

Few Christians today see any problem with doing business or participating in other profane (common) activities on Sunday. In one case, a church board approved a youth public fundraising event on Sunday.

The Bible contains two negatives regarding Sabbath observance:

(1) No work (the Fourth Commandment--Exodus 20:9-10). This includes all family members, servants, strangers, and even animals.

a. Buying and selling are included in Nehemiah 13.

b. Routine tasks that can be cared for in advance are included in Exodus 16:22-30 and Numbers 15:32-36.

(2) Not our own pleasure (Isaiah 58:13).

The Bible contains three positive aspect aspects regarding Sabbath observance: rest, worship, and helping (ministering to) others. I have a list of 14 proper Sunday activities that space prohibits here.

Let’s abandon the secular view of Sunday and make it again the Lord’s Day.

America And The Muslim Nation
By Allen Marsh, Nampa

The West is involved in WW III against “Muslim radicals.” What is the background, and what should be the Christian response?

America’s first conflict with Muslims occurred in the late 1700’s. The Muslims of Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli, and Tunis attacked our ships and sailors, forcing America to pay tribute annually.

Thomas Jefferson opposed paying tribute. He obtained a Koran to understand the Muslims and then attacked them. That conflict was immortalized in the Marine Corps Hymn.

In the Muslim nation, overlapping many countries, any non-Muslim is subject to persecution and even death. Anyone who converts from Islam is automatically under the death penalty. Christians in Muslim areas are often subject to severe persecution.

Europe is experiencing severe problems with Muslims rioting and demanding their own culture and laws (their nation). Muslims demonstrated in London with signs like “Behead those who insult Islam.” Many European cities now have “no-go zones” for ethnic Europeans, including armed police.1 Even in America groups of Muslims have rejoiced at our calamities.2

I have record of twelve attacks on Americans by Muslim Americans or legal immigrants, the last in Salt Lake City. In June 1990, Hamas ran a basic terrorist training course for 25 Palestinians outside Chicago.3 Muslims must avoid assimilation, grouping geographically while working to bring the non-Muslim world into conformity with them.4

The Islamic worldview opposes America’s Judeo-Christian worldview. Islam seeks to conquer by force, Christianity by loving persuasion.

Those we call “radical Muslims” will use anything from deceit to terrorism to actual war to conquer us.

Christian response in this war should be both spiritual and physical. We need to pray for Muslim conversion and work to accomplish that. God is working in the Muslim world including visions, miraculous healings, etc., and more Muslims are accepting Jesus than at any previous time. We must share Christ’s love with them as we have opportunity.

Only dependence on God and our own vigilance will keep American a land of the free.

1 James R. Edwards, Jr., Keeping Extremists Out p. 1
2 Tony Blankley, The West’s Best Chance, pp. 170-171
3 James R. Edwards, Jr., Keeping Extremists Out, Center for Immigration Studies. P. 17
4 “The New Roman Lions,” Weekly Standard, 3/29/06;
“The Islamization of Europe,” Banner of Truth, 2003
Tom Blankley, “Islamist Threat In France,” Washington Times, 11/9/05;
Tony Blankley, The West’s Last Chance: Will We win the Clash of Civilizations? Regency 2005

Allen & Jane Marsh

From Kirsten Faith Richardson
Letha, Idaho

I would like to express a philosophical idea. Most of us have heard of natural law. You may call this, the law of cause and effect.
If a person has multiple sex partners, that person is more likely to get an STD. If you are a monogamist, your chances of getting an STD are reduced by a large percentage.

Another example is, homosexuals have increased risk of AIDS, hepatitis, and other STD's. Both moral conservatives and honest liberals can agree on this.

Speaking as a Christian, I believe natural law is evidence of God's law. The Ten Commandments cannot be ignored. There is a natural consequence for breaking these laws. As a nation, when we ignore God's law, we suffer. More crime, more health risks, and more incurable STD's are results of ignoring natural law.

The murder of pre-born children, abortion, causes sterility in many women, a greater risk of breast cancer, and a higher suicide rate. The result of our society murdering one-third of our unborn children: a negative population growth in US citizens. Also, the abortion mentality has lead to the devaluation of all life (i.e. Terri Schiavo).

We all have a conscience that tells us right from wrong. As a Christian I believe conscience is the light of Christ. No matter what your philosophy, the majority agree, when we ignore our conscience, we suffer emotionally, physically and spiritually.

I view this from a Christian point of view. We have turned away from God's law as a society.

Humanism and socialism are counterfeits, a way of rationalizing the betrayal of God's law. Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto has as 'Point Ten' of his summary, "free education for all children in public schools." Public schools undermine God's law and natural law. Public schools are financed by collective theft.

The answer to our failing society can only be found in returning to the Ten Commandments.

Kirsten Faith Richardson
Box 5
Letha, Idaho 83636
208- 365- 4262

From Allen Marsh
Nampa, Idaho

Have you wondered why America is involved with so many social battles? Abortion, homosexuality, marriage, and judicial nominations are examples, but every area of life is involved. The conflict is based on diametrically opposed worldviews.

Every religion has a worldview. The primary worldviews in America, Christianity and atheism, are battling for dominance. Islam is increasing in influence but has not yet become a major force in America.

America was founded on the Judeo-Christian worldview with the Bible being the ultimate authority. God created the world in six days (Genesis 1-2). He created humans with purpose in this life and accountability in the next. God has absolute standards of behavior. This view generally prevailed in America into the 20th century.

Atheism has evolution as its basis. Everything came from nothing and developed over billions. Humans evolved by chance with no purpose and no future accountability. While individual atheists have always existed in America, it was not until the 20th century that they began to gain the ascendancy as a direct result of Darwin’s book On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

In 1921 Margaret Sanger, who followed Darwin, sought to eliminate or reduce the “negative gene pool” of others (non-white) by establishing, in 1921, the National Birth Control League that later became Planned Parenthood of America. She also advocated free sex because we are only animals.

In the 1925 Scopes (Monkey) Trial, Clarence Darrow argued that it was wrong to allow the teaching of only one view of origins—the creation view. Although he lost the case, the result was that evolution began to be taught, and now it is only that view which is allowed.

After a generation (1947) the Court prohibited classroom Bible teaching in public schools. After another generation (1963 and 1964) the Court banned Bible reading and prayer. In 1973 the Court allowed abortion.

These Court decisions overrode the laws in every state. Since then “men in black” have imposed the atheistic view on people regarding many issues including Ten Commandment monuments, homosexuality, prayer in the military, Christmas celebration and displays, and many more.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, it seemed that science had established evolution. Many Christians tried to adapt the Bible and ended with theistic evolution. Now science has provided abundant evidence that the universe is thousands, not billions of years old. Many evidences point to a maximum of 10,000 years. There is no reason to reject the Bible account except the will to reject it.

Every fundamental Christian doctrine is based on a literal Genesis 1-3. The account of the flood (Genesis 6-8) explains much of geology.

If we want to combat non-Christian ideas from abortion to homosexual marriage, we must destroy atheism’s erroneous foundation of evolution. We must become familiar with scientific facts supporting a young earth—creation—and present these to the world. We must show that the Bible is trustworthy.

Allen Marsh
412 Shoshone Avenue
Nampa, Idaho 83651
From: Janice S.
Boise, Idaho

What a missed opportunity. Your response to the DaVinci code clearly exhibits your lack of respect for the pursuit of the truth. Your comment "His 'meticulous research' misses on several counts here." would have gained more credibility should you have phrased where you differ with the research from the book rather than over generalizing against the whole book.

The essence of the books presents an opportunity for a fair dialogue which may attract thousands of new Christians, if done properly. So, your myopic view only serves to undermine the concept of Christianity. Who's side are you on? Clearly, not Christ's.

The bottom line is that the DaVinci code opens up moral issues about the equal rights of women in the church and in Jesus' life which are not acceptable to ultra conservatives. Get a new view, its 2006.

From: Pastor David Hardesty
Crane Creek Baptist Church
Boise, Idaho

I read Janice S.'s letter to the editor about the DaVinci Code, and though I have no connection to the article she mentioned I felt I had to respond. It seems to me she's attacking the article (and the TVCNews) on at least half a dozen points.

First, she suggests that the TVCN isn't interested in pursuing the truth, and that the article's author generalized. Actually, the writer gave at least 14 examples where Brown's self-described "meticulous research" was faulty. Even worse, Brown's key points (the church's "vote" on the divinity of Christ; the Canon of scripture; Leonardo's stylized "messages") are each founded on falsehoods. Sometimes pursuing the truth means refuting error, and your article did that.

Janice S. also suggests you should have used the book to begin dialogue with non-believers and declares your view "myopic" as opposed to some unspecified "concept of Christianity". Perhaps she could have suggested a better way than standing up against fiction claiming to be fact, or defined for us what she believes Christianity to be. The Bible says Jesus was crucified for our sins, resurrected on the third day, and reigns as Lord and Savior. Either that's true, or it's not. Those who were present for those events say it is. If a person believes in historical facts that's not myopia; that's clarity. Showing how Brown was in error could be a starting point in opening minds to those most important truths in the Bible's "concept of Christianity".

Janice S. closes with a proposition, an ad hominum attack, and an exhortation. Should we discuss equal rights for women in the church and in Jesus' life? Definitely! I suggest we do it based on what the scriptures say, not on philosophical or political preferences, and certainly not on some ill-researched novel.

She next implies you are an "ultra-conservative". Although I studied political science I really don't know who she's equating you with (John Paul II? George W. Bush? Adolph Hitler?) or what (fascism? racism? sexism? species-ism?) she means. It's a meaningless term intended to stir up emotion.

Finally, she exhorts the author to "get a new view; it's 2006." I would gently suggest she get an old view, one where Christ is exalted as Lord, where the Bible is evaluated fairly, and where truth matters. Those things still count, even in the new millenium.