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YouTube For news reporter interviews. 'Like' Us on Facebook. Join us on Twitter. Our InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program is now broadcast via audionow.com and you can listen to our radio program on your telephone 24/7 by calling (425) 585-1914.
Our Radio program on KSPD has been cancelled for now, but do hope to start up again either on KSPD or another local radio station.
Consider supporting our InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program. Please call (208) 703-8688 for more detailed information and to make your pledge. All donations are tax deductible to our non profit 501 c3 newspaper ministry. You can also make your donations online by clicking on our 'Donate' button below:
Letter From The Publisher :: Back To Top - Click here to read latest prayer requests.Click here to view Publisher Dr. Harper's testimonial web site. As a member of the White House Media Pool, I am thankful to GOD for the opportunity to attend White House Press conferences. Christians need a prominent voice with our President and other national leadership. On Monday, November 19 of 2012, I was approved for travel with the White House Press Corps on Air Force 2 whenever President Obama or other White House representatives are traveling and would appreciate your prayers that a door would open up for
me to be directly with the President on Air Force 1 for his trips internationally and/or domestically. For those who can help fund my trips to travel on White House trips, please call me in Boise, ID at (208) 703-8688.
Pray that White House officials call upon me while at press conferences and that I will be able to ask him the question that represents our Christian concerns. Please consider sponsoring my airfare, travel and housing costs to attend White House press conferences and my travel expenses for the President and Vice President or other White House representative travel events. We need to have Christian news reporters asking the challenging questions and to be a witness to the secular news media. To make a tax deductible donation, go to our following web site and click on the 'Donate' button:
To read more about my recent July 18th question experience at the White House, click here.
It is an honor to partner with you on this Good News paper here in the Intermountain areas of Colorado, southern Idaho, Montana, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. In this time of national crisis, we need to have a voice sharing the truth on matters dear to people's hearts. Click here to check out my trip to the White House Press Conferences and Christians United For Israel Rally. This paper is the churches' evangelistic opportunity to reach people right where they are. With the help of GOD and you, we can have the Christian news voice in the following stores: WalMart, Fred Meyers, Albertsons, K-Mart, Winco, Rite-Aid, BlockBusters Video, at the local Edwards Movie Theatres, and many other secular locations.
You can make your tax deductible donation at our web site by clicking on either of the Donation buttons below:
Along with paid advertising, the IMCN depends on your donations to keep this informative bi-monthly publication available throughout the Intermountain region of Colorado, southern Idaho, Montana, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. Not only does IMCN provide news articles and listings of local church events, it also supports InterMountain Teens (a local website to provide pastoral information, local events and help lines for teens - http://www.intermountainteens.com).
To learn more about the Intermountain Christian News ministry, please explore this web site and consider a gift from the heart. There is a response form below for your convenience. IMCNews will issue a tax-deductible receipt.
We look forward to hearing from you. Your support is appreciated.
Disclaimer: There is no cost for subscriptions (E-Subscriptions are FREE) and our current issue can be easily downloaded from our web site and there are FREE samples of our newspaper to pick up at select area Christian book stores. One must be a sponsor of our newspaper in order to receive a printed paper delivered to their home or business or church, an archive CD of all our paper issues and other items mailed to their residence or business or church. Please send an E-mail message with 'E-SUBCRIBE' in the Subject line to goodnews127@gmail.com to be added to our E-Subscription list.
Listen To/View Our Promotional Audio & Video Public Service Announcement Spots::Back To Top
Click here to download the KUFR (91.7 FM) Salt Lake City, Utah 'For The Record' Radio program Kristy Laughter featuring IMC/TVCNews publisher Dr. Anthony Harper (air date was September 6, 2008) - 3.45 MB.
Click here to download our one minute Air1 Radio MP3 audio public service announcement radio spot - 2.28 MB
Click here to view our IMCNews one minute video public service announcement below - Video spot by Producer Lance Ogren of GloMaster Productions. Wait 30 seconds before our spot begins.
To share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve (to inform, motivate and equip) Christian churches in the Intermountain area via our newspaper, in print and online.
Informing sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian events and resources people can participate in.
Motivating addressing spiritual growth issues and encouraging people to attend a bible believing church of their choice.
Equipping Equipping churches by sharing examples of successful outreach church ministries to our community and how their church can replicate this type of ministry.
Vision Statement :: Back To Top To be a conservative weekly non denominational evangelistic newspaper in newsprint, DVD format and via our web site with distribution at as many secular locations in our Intermountain region where secular newspapers are distributed.
Statement of Faith and Practice :: Back To Top "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold." Proverbs 22:1
We believe in the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His sinless life, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that only God The Son (Jesus) is the mediator between man and God The Father and The Holy Spirit. Jesus alone can save us from our sins, permit people entrance into Heaven, and is the only Savior and hope. Only a personal relationship with Jesus will bring true healing and eternal life to people.
We believe that only Jesus is to be regarded as our spiritual Teacher. We do not look to ungodly counselors for wisdom.
We believe our salvation is by grace through faith, in His shed blood, which is evident through our works.
We believe that Humans are a special creation of God and not as a result of evolution.
We believe in the sanctity of life and therefore oppose abortion and euthanasia.
We believe homosexuality to be a sin and believe only in the Biblical view of marriage which is between one man and one woman.
We trust in JESUS to give us wisdom, courage, strength and protection from evil.
We believe that it is our Christian duty to express our faith as a witness for Jesus in all matters public and private.
Scripture exalting JESUS above all of creation:
KJV Philippians 2:5-11
"...........Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:20
If you feel that you have dealt with a ministry, business, or individual that hasnotoperated with honesty and integrity, please contact us in writing, or call us, stating the reason for dissatisfaction to:
Intermountain Christian News, Inc.
Mail: P.O. Box 1829
Boise, ID 83701-1829
(208) 703-8688
E-Mail: goodnews127@gmail.com
More About Us :: Back To Top
Beginning of InterMountain Christian News
by Rev. Anthony Harper, publisher
While working as a Christian counselor, I saw a need for a local non denominational Christian news source that would serve the Christian community and give them a united voice in reaching the unchurched. In November of 2001, I felt called to develop a Christian resource web site to help connect people to The Gospel message and to a local Christian church which eventually developed into InterMountain Christian News. InterMountain Christian News started out in November 28 of 2001 as a web site ministry under the name of the ‘Christian Resources and Events Directory’ for the purpose of connecting people to Christian resources and events. On June 27 of 2002, the ‘Christian Resources and Events Directory’ was renamed ‘Treasure Valley Christian News’ and was incorporated in Idaho as a non profit 501 c3 printed newspaper. Larry Patrick, our art director, joined me in the summer of 2002 to begin work on our first printed newspaper. August of 2003 was the beginning of our teen outreach newspaper ‘GroovinTeens’ and the web site groovinteens.com which later was transformed into ‘Treasure Valley Teens’ paper and our TreasureValleyTeens.com web site and then as the ‘InterMountainTeens.com’ June of 2008. On June 24 of 2008 our newspaper expanded to all of southern Idaho, eastern Oregon, Utah and Wyoming and was renamed ‘InterMountain Christian News’ and now in January of 2009 has expanded to Colorado.
InterMountain Christian news is distributed in the secular arena online at www.imcnews.org, at airports, tire dealerships, doctor offices, etc.
Inside each printed issue of IMCNews and on our web site, we have a ‘Who Is JESUS’? column where people can learn about who the JESUS of The Holy Bible is and learn how to connect to Him as their personal SAVIOR.
InterMountain Christian News started out in November 28 of 2001 as a web site ministry under the name of the ‘Christian Resources and Events Directory’ for the purpose of connecting people to Christian resources and events.
Snapshot below of our latest newspaper web site as of December 2009.
August of 2003 was the beginning of our teen outreach newspaper ‘GroovinTeens’ and the web site groovinteens.com which later was transformed into ‘TreasureValley Teens’ paper and our TreasureValleyTeens.com web site and then as the ‘InterMountainTeens.com’ June of 2008.
Snapshot below of our latest teen help web site as of December 2009.
For more information about InterMountain Christian News, go to our web site www.imcnews.org
or call our office in Boise, Idaho at (208) 703-8688 or
E-mail: goodnews127@gmail.com
Treasure Valley Christian News d.b.a. 'Intermountain Christian News' has been formed as a Non Profit Christian Newspaper in the State of Idaho. IMC News was born out of the desire to have a one stop source of updatable information on Christian events and resources in the Treasure Valley Idaho/Oregon area with a vision to expand to other locations in the intermountain region.
Our initial design team included our Art Director Larry Patrick, Amy Brueggemann, myself, Ron Coleman and Jeff Anderson.
Our current board members are:
Rev. Anthony Harper, Ph.D., President - Boise, Idaho
Tammy Casey, Secretary, Boise, Idaho
Paul Guisande, Pocatello, Idaho Our staff members are:
Rev. Anthony Harper - Publisher and Editor (goodnews127@gmail.com
Dee Seinknight - Art Director
Our current primary volunteer distribution team includes (we have other volunteers not mentioned that change from time to time):
John and Michelle Ring of Mountain Home, Idaho.
David and Tammy Casey, Boise, Idaho
Wayne Barber, Boise, Idaho
Phil Sorenson of Caldwell, Idaho.
Robert and Jennifer Jackson of Emmett, Idaho.
Bob Compton, Midvale, Idaho
Eric Ottewitte, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Rev. Jim Jones, Pocatello, Idaho
Paul Guisande, Pocatello, Idaho
Jennifer Bolander, Spaniksh Fork, Utah
Becky Duffey, Casper, Wyoming
Mark Courtney, Cody, Wyoming
We thank all our other distribution volunteers not mentioned who we deeply appreciate and value.
4,000 copies of our paper are printed 4-6 times per year and distributed at Christian book stores in our Intermountain locations of Colorado, southern Idaho, Montana, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, Utah and Wyoming and online.
Call (208) 703-8688 (Boise, Idaho) to make your donation or for more information.
Or send a check made payable to InterMountain Christian News and mail to:
InterMountain Christian News
P.O. Box 1829
Boise, ID 83701
Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover cards accepted.
Your donations to InterMountain Christian News helps support the printing of Christian testimonies, events, news items, and news stories in our printed paper, our online version and supports our teen help web site http://www.intermountainteens.com You can also call our office in Boise, Idaho at (208) 703-8688 to make your donation over the phone or you can also make your tax deductible donation at our web site by clicking on one of the Donation buttons below:
Thank you for your support of Good News!
Click here or on music video picture below to view my music web site anthonymusic.com to watch guest music appearance on Faithline Television in San Diego, California January 27, 1986.
Our radio program is now broadcast via audionow.com and you can listen to our radio program on your telephone 24/7 by calling (425) 585-1914.
Our Radio program on KSPD has been cancelled for now, but do hope to start up again either on KSPD or another local radio station.
Consider supporting our InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program. Please call (208) 703-8688 for more detailed information and to make your pledge. All donations are tax deductible to our non profit 501 c3 newspaper ministry. You can also make your donations online by clicking on our 'Donate' button below: