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InterMountain Christian News Hour Radio Programs (these archived radio programs listed below are provided by iRapture.com - click here to download iRapture spot).
For the Monday December 7, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/V-bNYSKYpzo
Dr. Harper interviews the Israel Knesset spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir at the Knesset in Jerusalem to talk about the history of Chanukah, the 50th Anniversary of the Knesset building and terrorism. There is a solution by the way to terrorism found in 2Chronicles 7:14 and in President Abaraham Lincoln's 1863 Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day. To learn more about the Knesset, visit the following web site of: https://knesset.gov.il/main/eng
Pictured above: IMCNews publisher Dr. Harper at the Knesset building and with the Knesset spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir Monday July 19, 2016.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Click on 'Donate' button below to make your tax deductible donation in support of our Good News internet radio broadcast and printed newspaper:
Chris Adamo. Interview with Dr. Anthony Harper on April 5, 2016 regarding the national issues. Click here to download this radio program or Click here for Chris Adamo's web site.
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne. Interview with Dr. Anthony Harper on June 28, 2014 to talk about a national call to repentance in Washington, D.C. July of 2014 event called. Click here to download program.For more information about their CelebrateAmericaDC event, go to the web site of:http://celebrateamericadc.com
Pastor Jonathan Cahn, author of book 'The Harbinger.' Interview by Dr. Anthony Harper on December 12, 2012. Click here to download.
Kirk Cameron of The Way of The Master (click here for the audio mp3 interview September 14, 2010 by Dr. Anthony Harper of Boise, Idaho of the InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program - this is a 20.3 mega byte file requiring high speed internet ). Click here to view The Way of The Master web site.
Ray Comfort - The Way of The Master (click here for the audio mp3 interview August 6, 2015). Click here to view The Way of The Master web site.
David Crowe of Restore America. For the June 8, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/E56JXzMIoJY
Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance. For the Friday April 20, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/lFuXxuSw2FI
James DeYoung IMCNH 09-09-10 Burning Down The Shack Author. To download, click here.
Shirley Dobson of the National Day of Prayer. For the Sunday October 5th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/epcU48Yrlww
Melinda Doolittle - American Idol winner joins Dr. Anthony Harper to share her testimony April 21, 2009. To download this broadcast, click on the following link: https://youtu.be/FddrG0EDZJY
Dinesh D'Souza - President of The King's Collegein New York City, author of New York Times best seller books, one of which is used as the foundation for a new movie due out in major theaters nationwide (Summer 2012) titled 'Obama's America 2016.' Click here for the audio mp3 interview of IMCNews publisher Dr. Anthony Harper and co host Alan Jones with Danesh D'Souza April 30, 2012. Danesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" was the basis of thismovie. Gerald R. Molen is the movie producer who is Steven Spielberg’s co-producer on Hollywood blockbusters such as "Schindler’s List," "Jurassic Park." Click here to watch Danesh D'Souza's presentation at the CPAC 2012 event.
Click here to learn more about Dinesh D'Souza. Click here to view the movie web site for 'Obama's America 2016.'
Larry Eskridge, author of the book 'GOD's Forever Family: The JESUS People Movement in America.' Click here to download Dr. Anthony Harper's radio interview with Larry Eskridge Tuesday, January 14, 2014. For information about Larry Eskridge's book, click here. Ed McIsaac, George Bryson, Keith Kramis and IMCNews publisher Dr. Anthony Harper were involved with the JESUS People movement through Shiloh Youth Revival Centers. For more information regarding the JESUS People movement, click on the following links: http://www.shilohyrc.com and http://www.one-way.org/jesusmovement.
William Federer
IMCNH 06-11-2016 (JESUS and Mohammad Compared) with the American Minute.To download, click on following link: https://youtu.be/mVClOk85xu0
Bryan Fischer. For the Thursday October 16, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/_oAQLFk9ivU From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio
to talk about the first issuance of homosexual marriage licenses in Idaho yesterday October 15.
Idaho Senator Russ Fulcher (Senator Fulcher's interview with IMCnews publisher/editor Dr. Anthony Harper to discuss the state of our state and union issue with regarding immigration issues and the moral degradation of our government that celebrates homosexuality, murder of children (abortion) and other issues. To listen to this broadcast, go to the following link: https://youtu.be/afDybhL3frY
Brigitte Gabriel of Act for America joins Dr. Anthony Harper to talk about Muslim immigration and how that relates to national security concerns here in the United States. For the Monday May 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/cL1LNhRDwFk
Gina Gibson. Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain/national events. For the Thursday November 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/6Xc0uHxzEKk
MK Yehuda Glick, Israel. Dr. Anthony Harper of IMCNews interviews Israel Knesset Member Yehuda Glick of the Likud Party at the Knesset building in Jerusalem Israel July 20, 2016 to talk about the UNRWA schools in Gaza, West Bank and other Palestinian Authority areas inciting kids to violence against the Jewish people. To download this interview, click on following YouTube link: https://youtu.be/GN64Wo_GLCc
Ken Ham of the Creation Museum & Answers in Genesis joins Dr. Anthony Harper with IMCNews and Brent Carter and Stan Lutz of Northwest Science Museum June 27, 2013 to talk about Creation vs Evolution issues and the state of our nation. For information about the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis, click here. To download this broadcast, click on the following link: https://youtu.be/hw2jK8kOqkw
Jerry B. Jenkins IMCNH 01-05-11. 'Left Behind' Book CoAuthor. For the Thursday October 2nd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Patrick Klein with Vision Beyond Borders
For the Friday June 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06192015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders from Casper, Wyoming to talk about the state of our nation and world and about their recent trip to Nepal and northern Iraq to help those that are hurting.
For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to their following web site of: http://visionbeyondborders.org
Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt of The Pray in JESUS Name Project from Colorado. For the Saturday December 6th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/fQETavVMhtU
Rick Larson
Star of Bethlehem movie producer Rick Larson joins Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News Hour December 14, 2010 to talk about this exciting movie regarding the birth of JESUS.
Download this broadcast by clicking on the following Youtube link: https://youtu.be/1Rd_CbpxHwE
Dr. Aliza Lavie. Pictured left: Israel Knesset Leader Dr. Aliza Lavie
Dr. Harper of the InterMountain Christian News interviews Israel Knesset Leader Dr. Aliza Lavie Interview Tuesday February 16, 2016 A.D. regarding terrorism and other issues affecting Israel! Dr. Lavie's Knesset Web site is: https://www.knesset.gov.il/mk/eng/mk_eng.asp?mk_individual_id_t=875For the Tuesday February 16, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/9o9weJ8vLB0
Pictured right to left: Steven and Joyce Lazar
Steven and Joyce Lazar join Dr. Anthony Harper with the InterMountain Christian News Tuesday June 28, 2016 to talk about news updates regarding Israel and the United States. The solution to terrorism we are experiencing is found in repentance as found in the Old Testament verse of 2Chronicles 7:14 and trusting and crying out to JESUS to save us from our sins.
To listen to this broadcast, click on the following link: https://youtu.be/jVhS7NtKPB4 To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
Rabbi Yehuda Levin
Also in this program is Dr. Harper's update on his trip for Israel leaving December 8 and Dr. Harper's interview with Rabbi Levin of New York City who shares a message for Christian leaders to share their unified declaration with Israel leaders regarding the State of Israel. For information about Rabbi Levin, go to following web site of: http://www.rabbilevin.com. For Dr. Harper's Wednesday December 3, 2014 interview with Rabbi Levin, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/_PSBjOS60YY
Idaho Governor Butch Otter Governor Butch Otter joins IMCnews publisher/editor Dr. Anthony Harper April 17, 2014 to talk about the state of our state and our nation with regard to Muslim immigration issues and about moral decline in acceptance of murder of children (abortion), homosexuality, etc. To download this broadcast, click on the following link:
Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. For the Thursday March 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/8_IDxBM6K2k
Wayne Root - Interview about his experience attending the same college as President Obama (Columbia University in New York), but his fellow pre law students did not know of Obama attending school.Click here to download the high res mp3 interview August 15, 2012 (25MB). Radio host Dr. Anthony Harper and CoHost Alan Jones.
Dr. Terry Trudel, Christian Psychiatrist - interview December 14, 2012 with Host Dr. Harper and CoHost Alan Jones regarding the topic of Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association. Click here to downloadp3 InterMountain Christian News Hour radio interview.
Len and Cheryl Watts.
For the April 7, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/6TcioCcfpEI
Dr. Harper shares about his upcoming news reporter trip to Israel December 5-10 and interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel in light of the rise in terrorism and the implications thereof. To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com.
Mr. Sam Werberg. For the Tuesday October 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/6eVTIeIJc1Q Dr. Harper interviews Mr. Sam Werberg, Press & Public Diplomacy Officer
from the Office of Iranian Affairs at U.S. Department of State to talk about the status of Pastor Saeed in Iran.
Kitty Werthmann
IMCNH 10-18-10 talking about her experience growing up in Austria during the reign of Hitler.
Go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/Ic5PZTbsjVQ
Yotam Yakir. Pictured left to right: Dr. Harper with Israel Knesset spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir.
Dr. Harper interviews the Israel Knesset spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir at the Knesset in Jerusalem Monday December 7, 2015 to talk about the history of Chanukah, the 50th Anniversary of the Knesset building and terrorism.
Go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/V-bNYSKYpzo
Weekly Programs
For the Friday July 1st, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/VLrIMW56quo
Wayne Root
Wayne Root of Root for America joins InterMountain Christian News Hour radio host Dr. Anthony Harper to talk about the political campaign we face in the United States. Mr. Root graduated from Columbia University at the same time when President Obama was supposed to have graduated, but he and fellow law students never saw him. For more information, visit his web site: http://rootforamerica.com
For the Thursday June 30th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/XKRbfM-M9m0
Pictured left to right: Gina Gibson and Jeff Daly
Gina Gibson of National Day of Prayer Mountain States and Jeff Daly from National Day of Repentance join InterMountain Christian News radio host Dr. Anthony Harper June 30, 2016 to talk about National Day of Prayer and Repentance events and the state of our nation. Check out their web sites: http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org http://dayofrepentance.org
For the Tuesday June 28th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/jVhS7NtKPB4 Steven and Joyce Lazar
Steven and Joyce Lazar join Dr. Anthony Harper with the InterMountain Christian News to talk about news updates regarding Israel and the United States. The solution to terrorism we are experiencing is found in repentance as found in the Old Testament verse of 2Chronicles 7:14 and trusting and crying out to JESUS to save us from our sins. 2Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) states: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
For the Thursday June 16th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Gina Gibson of National Day of Prayer Mountain States joins Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News Thursday June 16, 2016 to talk about the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham and National Day of Prayer and other Christian events in our intermountain region. For more information about the Decision America Tour, go to the following web site of: http://www.decisionamericatour.com
For more information about the National Day of Prayer, go to the following web site of: http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org
For the Thursday June 16th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/6Xc0uHxzEKk Pictured left: Gina Gibson Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States joins InterMountain Christian News Hour host Dr. Anthony Harper June 10, 2016 to talk about National Day of Prayer events in our intermountain region and nationally. Go to Facebook and 'Like' National Day of Prayer Mountain States.
For the Thursday June 8th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/E56JXzMIoJY
Pictured left: Dave Crowe Crisis in America! Dave Crowe of Restore America joins Dr. Anthony Harper for the InterMountain Christian News Hour broadcast Wednesday June 8, 2016 to talk about the U.S. presidential campaign and the dilemma that Christians find themselves in. For more information about Restore America, visit their web site: http://www.restoreamerica.org
For the Friday June 3rd, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/LrXftRdAT9I
Pictured left: Gina Gibson
Gina Gibson of National Day of Prayer Mountain States joins Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News Thursday June 16, 2016 to talk about the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham and National Day of Prayer and other Christian events in our intermountain region. For more information about the Decision America Tour, go to the following web site of: http://www.decisionamericatour.com
For more information about the National Day of Prayer, go to the following web site of: http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org
For the Monday May 2, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For the Friday April 29th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/-K1IMwo8Paw
Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders from Casper, Wyoming to talk about overseas outreach addressing the issue of Islam and our response and how the solution to terrorism is found in repentance and trust in JESUS to save us. Pictured left: Patrick Klein
For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to their following web site of: http://visionbeyondborders.org
For the Tuesday April 26, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Creation Training Iniative Director Mr. Mike Riddle joins the InterMountain Christian News Hour host Dr. Anthony Harper to talk about their creation training initiative addressing issues of evidences of creation and the authority of the book of Genesis in the creation account. To listen to today's broadcast interview with Mr. Mike Riddle of Creation Training Iniatiative, go to the following YouTube link:
Pictured left: Mike Riddle of the Creation Training Iniative.
For the Wednesday April 20th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following YouTube web site link to download: https://youtu.be/lFuXxuSw2FI
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel, the world and to talk about the solution to terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
For the Tuesday April 19, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Creation Training Iniative Director Mr. Mike Riddle joins the InterMountain Christian News Hour host Dr. Anthony Harper to talk about their creation training initiative addressing issues of evidences of creation and the authority of the book of Genesis in the creation account. To listen to today's broadcast interview with Mr. Mike Riddle of Creation Training Iniatiative, go to the following YouTube link:
Pictured left: Mike Riddle of the Creation Training Iniative.
For the Thursday April 14,2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday April 7, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/6TcioCcfpEI
Dr. Harper interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel.
To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
For the Wednesday April 6,2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For the Tuesday April 5, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
https://youtu.be/D4EccbB-bAc Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming with Rino Tracker regarding Moslem immigration, incompatibility of Shariah Law and Theocracy of Islam with our U.S. Constitution and ramifications for the United States. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
Tuesday March 29, 2016. Pastor Saeed who was recently released from Iran joins InterMountain Christian News publisher Dr. Harper at KIVI Channel 6 Television in Nampa, Idaho to share his testimony, about Moslem immigration and how to more effectively reach Moslems in our country.
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For the Wednesday March 16, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/pFFQUXA1UbY
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues of Islam indoctrination in our public schools via the Common Core curriculum and the implications for the United States. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe
Wednesday March 16, 2016 Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News at the White House James Brady Press Room to report on some recent news. To watch this YouTube video, go to the following link: https://youtu.be/mKyQAzsnlyQ Pictured left: Dr. Anthony Harper, IMCNews Publisher/Editor To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
Monday March 14, 2016 Barry Shaw from Israel joins Dr. Harper with the InterMountain Christian News Hour to talk about the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) of Israel products. To listen to this broadcasst, go to the following link:
https://youtu.be/D6azQjnlf8A Pictured left: Barry Shaw, Israel.
Saturday March 12, 2016 Mr. Russ Miller and Brent Carter join Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News Hour to share about their new Foundations in Genesis of Idaho and Oregon events. To listen to this broadcast, go to the following link:
https://youtu.be/yi9ACF5daLk Pictured left to right: Russ Miller and Brent Carter
For more information about Russ Miller, Brent Carter and Foundations in Genesis, view the web site: http://www.foundationsingenesis.org.
For the Friday March 4th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 25, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/g5NwYuYBg-M
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday February 24th, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following YouTube web site link to download: https://youtu.be/6VivGWXYaeg
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel, the world and to talk about the solution to terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 18, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/RaAmweuAF3c
Dr. Harper of the InterMountain Christian News interviews Chaim Singerman of the Jerusalem Hills Inn near Jerusalem in Israel to share commentary on news in Israel and about their bed and breakfast 'Jerusalem Hills Inn.' For more information about Jerusalem Hills Inn, go to their web site of: http://www.jerusalemhillsinn.com. Pictured left: Chaim Singerman and Family with Jerusalem Hills Inn.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday February 16, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/9o9weJ8vLB0
Israel Knesset Leader Dr. Aliza Lavie Interview Tuesday February 16, 2016 A.D. with Dr. Harper of the InterMountain Christian News regarding terrorism and other issues affecting Israel! Dr. Lavie's Knesset Web site is: https://www.knesset.gov.il/mk/eng/mk_eng.asp?mk_individual_id_t=875
Pictured left: Dr. Aliza Lavie
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday February 15, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/-tK-lLinHxk
Dr. Harper interviews Paul Taylor of the Mount Saint Helen Creation Center to talk about Evolution vs. Creation issues and his upcoming speaking events in Boise and Emmett, Idaho and Ontario, Oregon. Visit his Mount Saint Helen's Creation Center at the following web site: http://www.mshcreationcenter.org Pictured left: Paul Taylor
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Saturday February 13, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/DbADHT-Rt2M
Dr. Harper interviews Idaho Representative Heather Scott from northern Idaho to talk about the recent stand off at a Wildlife Refuge in Oregon and about the recent passage in the Idaho Legislature of support for the Federal definition of same sex marriage and the implications of this for Idaho and our nation. Pictured left: Idaho Representative Heather Scott
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday February 12, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/bcvYvgQAjdU
Dr. Harper interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel.
To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 11, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: https://youtu.be/yBc44la801A
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 4, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02042016.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday February 3rd, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02032016.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel, the world and to talk about the solution to terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 29, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01292016.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 23rd, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01232016.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Steven and Joyce Lazar to talk about the state of Israel and the United States and about their new board game 'Animal Winner' that helps improve family communication. To learn more about the 'Animal Winner' game, go to the following web site of: http://www.animalwinner.com Pictured right to left: Steven and Joyce Lazar To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday January 21, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01212016.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Dr. Bob Compton, featured Foundations in Genesis of Idaho and Oregon guest speaker for events in Boise and Emmett, Idaho and in Ontario, Oregon. Dr. Compton is speaking here in Boise at the Heritage Bible Church at 7:00PM and at the Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Ontario, Oregon Friday night January 22nd. Dr. Harper also interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis to talk about other of their upcoming event speakers and about the Northwest Science Museum. For more information, visit the Foundations in Genesis of Idaho and Oregon web site at: http://www.foundationsingenesis.org Pictured left to right: Dr. Bob Compton and Brent Carter
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 8, 2016 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01082016.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 28th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12282015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming with Rino Tracker regarding Moslem immigration, incompatibility of Shariah Law and Theocracy of Islam with our U.S. Constitution and ramifications for the United States. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 22nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12222015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of AmericanMinute.com web site to talk about the problem the history of CHRISTmas. For more information about Mr. Federer, visit his following web site at: http://www.americanminute.com. Pictured left: William Federer of American Minute
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday December 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt from The Pray in JESUS name project in Colorado regarding local intermountain and national news items. For more info., visit his web site of: http://www.prayinjesusname.org Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday December 17th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12172015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday December 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12162015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel, the world and to talk about the solution to terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 9, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12092015.mp3
Dr. Harper is on a Israel Government Press Office tour of northern Israel to tour some production facilities to talk about the boycotting of Israel products that is occurring. Mr. Moshe Lev-Ran of the business 'TwitoPlast' joins him for today's broadcast. For more information about 'TwitoPlast,' go to the following web site of: http://www.twitoplast.co.il
Pictured from far left front: Mr. Moshe Lev-Ran of TwitoPlast in Israel.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday December 7, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12072015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews the Israel Knesset spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir at the Knesset in Jerusalem to talk about the history of Chanukah, the 50th Anniversary of the Knesset building and terrorism. There is a solution by the way to terrorism found in 2Chronicles 7:14 and in President Abaraham Lincoln's 1863 Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day. To learn more about the Knesset, visit the following web site of: https://knesset.gov.il/main/eng
Pictured above: IMCNews publisher Dr. Harper at the Knesset building and with the Knesset spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir Monday December 7, 2015.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of AmericanMinute.com web site to talk about the problem the solution to the Syrian refugee problem, I.S.I.S. and other terrorist organizations. There is a solution to terrorism found in President Lincoln's 1863 call to national repentance and in 2Chronicles 7:14. Check out Mr. Federer's web site at: http://www.americanminute.com. Pictured left: William Federer of American Minute
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday December 1st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12012015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel, the world and to talk about the solution to terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday November 24th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11242015.mp3
Dr. Harper shares about his upcoming news reporter trip to Israel December 5-10 and interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel in light of the rise in terrorism and the implications thereof. To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday November 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11192015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain/national events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday November 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11162015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Judy Notchick from Montana to talk about the state of our court system and our nation and about advocacy for those struggling with pain.
Judy used to work for Ray Comfort of Way Of The Master and Living Waters evangelism outreach ministries. For more information about Way of The Master and Living Waters, go to the following web sites of: http://www.wayofthemaster.com and http://www.livingwaters.com Pictured left: Judy Notchick
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday November 12th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11122015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain/national events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday November 10th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11102015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel regarding Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent visit with President Obama at the White House, the rise in terrorism and the implications thereof.
To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday November 6, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11062015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation and Israel and the solution to terrorism that we face found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 of The Old Testament and President Lincoln's Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day. Check out President Lincoln's call to repentance at the following web site: http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/fast.htm Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance. Check out the Day of Repentance web site for more info at: http://dayofrepentance.org.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday November 5th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11052015.mp3
Dr. Harper discusses his upcoming trip to Israel to meet with Israel government officials, news reporters and to do video news reports from The Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In addition in this broadcast is a rebroadcast of the November 5th White House Conference Call regarding Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit with President Obama at the White House Monday November 9th. To read the transcript of that White House conference call, click here.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11032015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews American Center for Law and Justice attorney Matthew Clark to share an update on Pastor Saeed. Matthew Clark also comments on the previously White House arranged interview Dr. Harper had with the Department of State rep Sam Werberg regarding Saeed with the solution to terrorism shared.
For more information about Pastor Saeed, go to the following web site of: https://beheardproject.com/saeed Pictured left: Attorney Matthew Clark.
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday November 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt of The Pray in JESUS Name Project from Colorado Springs, Colorado to share commentary on intermountain and national news events. For more information about the Pray in JESUS Name Project, go to the following web site of: http://www.prayinJESUSname.org Pictured left: Chaplain Klingenschmitt.
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday October 29th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10292015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday October 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10272015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon to talk about their evolution vs creation seminar guest speaker Dr. Thomas Kendall this week October 28-November 1st. For more information about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://foundationsingenesis.org. Pictured left: Brent Carter Pictured left: Dr. Thomas Kindell - see his web site at: http://kindell.nwcreation.net
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday October 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10262015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel regarding recent rise in terrorism and the implications thereof.
To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday October 23rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10232015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
Dr. Harper also interviews Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the correlation between terrorism of I.S.I.S. and other groups and lack of repentance. Check out the Day of Repentance web site for more info at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance. To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday October 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues of Islam indoctrination in our public schools via the Common Core curriculum and the implications for the United States. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday October 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10192015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming regarding his national news commentary service Rino Tracker. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday October 13th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10132015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel.
To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday October 8th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10082015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday October 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10062015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Mr. Sam Werberg, Press & Public Diplomacy Officer
from the Office of Iranian Affairs at U.S. Department of State to talk about the status of Pastor Saeed in Iran. Pictured left: Mr. Sam Werberg To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday September 25th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09252015.mp3
Dr. Harper is at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C. today and interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
Dr. Harper also interviews
Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance to talk about the lack of repentance and the correlation to terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site for more info at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday September 24th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09242015.mp3 Dr. Harper shares an update from the White House press room regarding the Pope visit, the correlation between lack of repentance and terrorism and the state of our nation and Israel. To watch the video of this news report, go to the following web site of:
https://youtu.be/8lxREJo7D5o Pictured left: Dr. Anthony Harper, IMCNews Publisher/Editor To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday September 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09212015.mp3 Dr. Harper from the White House press room has phone interview with Steven and Joyce Lazar to talk about the state of Israel and the United States. Pictured right to left: Steven and Joyce Lazar To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday September18th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09182015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
9-11 Memorial! In loving memory of those who lost their lives and for the families and friends who lost their loved ones that day.
For the Friday September 11, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09112015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about honoring those lost on 9-11 and the signifcance of that date in light of Muslim history and what is happening in our nation. Check out the Day of Repentance web site for more info at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
Dr. Harper also interviews William Federer of AmericanMinute.com web site to talk about the history and significance of 9-11 for Moslems and a brief history of Muhammad and Islam. Check out his web site at: http://www.americanminute.com. Pictured left: William Federer of American Minute
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday September 10th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09102015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Kris Anne Hall, a Consitutional attorney, to talk about the state of our nation issues of the public being deceived to think that judges and courts can make law, when in fact, they do not have the constitutional right to so. Only Congress and state legislative bodies can make law. For more info about Kris Anne Hall, go to the following web site of: http://krisannehall.com Pictured left: Kris Anne Hall
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday September 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09092015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson Dr. Harper also interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming regarding his national news commentary service Rino Tracker, the state of our nation and the upcoming 2016 U.S. presidential election and the state of Israel. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday September 8th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09082015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Coach Dave Daubenmire of Salt and Light Brigade "LIVE' from Grayson, Kentucky for the Rowan County Kentuck Clerk Kim Davis rally who was jailed for resisting the issuance of homosexual marriage licenses. The truth on this matter is that there was no violation of a law in her case. The current Kentucky law is marriage of one man one woman. For more info about Kim Davis, visit the following web site: http://saltandlightbrigade.org Pictured left: Coach Dave Daubenmire
Dr. Harper also interviews Senator Steven Thayne of Idaho regarding the issue of Kim Davis being jailed and concerns about religious freedom issues in America. Pictured left: Senator Steven Thayne
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday September 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09042015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt of The Pray in JESUS Name Project from Colorado Springs, Colorado to talk about the Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to endorse homosexual marriage licenses because of her religious belief. To learn more about and to support Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, click here.
Join the rally for Kim Davis:
Tues., Sept. 8, 2015 at 3:00 PM ET
Carter County Detention Center,
13 Crossbar Road, Grayson, KY, Pictured left: Chaplain Klingenschmitt.
For more information about the Pray in JESUS Name Project, go to the following web site of: http://www.prayinJESUSname.org and to learn
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday September 3rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09032015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday September 1st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09012015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues that affect the survival of Israel regarding the Pope's visit in September 2015 to the White House, The Congress and The United Nations. Also discussed the state of the United States in light of President Obama's support for Palestinian Statehood and the recent Supreme Court decision on Marriage. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday August 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08272015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday August 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08262015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Eric Barger of Take A Stand Ministries to talk about his presentation Sunday August 30 (10:30AM and 6:00PM) at the New Life Christian Center in Emmett, Idaho titles of 'Confused or Cultic' and 'End-Time Deception?' that is part of the emergent churches who have deviated from the Holy Bible, the only Word of GOD to humankind. For more information about Eric Barger, visit his web site of: http://ericbarger.com and call (208) 365-2918. Pictured left: Eric Barger To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday August 24th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08242015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Stan Lutz of the Northwest Science Museum in Boise, Idaho to talk about an upcoming FREE event regarding evolution vs creation of the 'Origin Summitt' in the Special Events Center at Boise State University, Boise, Idaho Monday September 14 and Tuesday September 15 at 7:00PM. For more information about their event go to the following web site: http://www.originsummit2015.com Pictured left: Stan Lutz To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday August 21, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of Israel and the United States and the relationship between terrorism and the lack of repentance with reference to an Old Testament scripture found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 of The Old Testament. Check out the Day of Repentance web site for more info at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday August 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08202015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday August 18th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08182015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Mike Broyles of Awana Lifeline to talk about their ministry to Prisoners and their families. For more information about Awana Lifeline, visit their web site of: http://www.awanalifeline.org Pictured left: Pastor Mike Broyles
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday August 11th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08112015.mp3
Dr. Harper is interviewed on the Bob Enyart 'LIVE' program from Denver, Colorado.
Dr. Harper is scheduled speaker on the topic of 'Evolution and Its Influence on Psychology' at the Rocky Mountain Christian Fellowship monthly meeting in Denver, Colorado. For more information, go to the following web site: http://kgov.com/dr-anthony-harper-in-denver Pictured left: Bob Enyart
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday August 7th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08072015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Len and Cheryl Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel regarding recent responses to President Obama's Iran deal and other Israel news items.
To receive Len and Cheryl Watt's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Len and Cheryl Watts
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday August 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08062015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday August 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08042015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Mr. Ray Comfort of LivingWaters.com to talk about his new movie regarding 'Homosexuality' titled 'Audacity' and the movie web site is: http://www.audacitymovie.com. The Living Waters web site is: http://www.livingwaters.com Pictured left: Dr. Harper with Mr. Ray Comfort
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday July 30th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07302015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday July 29th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07292015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Steven and Joyce Lazar to talk about the state of Israel and the United States and their prayer line for Israel. Pictured right to left: Steven and Joyce Lazar To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday July 28th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07282015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Stan Lutz of the Northwest Science Museum in Boise, Idaho to talk about their museum regarding evolution versus creation issues. For more info, visit their web site of: http://northwestsciencemuseum.com Pictured left: Stan Lutz To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday July 23rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07232015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday July 22nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07222015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming regarding the latest U.S. Supreme Court decision on homosexual weddings, President Obama's recent support for a deal of Iran without securing Pastor Saeed's and other U.S. citizen safe release and about his national news commentary service Rino Tracker. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday July 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Idaho State Senator Steven Thayne sharing fundamental issues regarding the use of coercion and its influence in our country, the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on marriage, the Moslem immigration and other issues. Pictured left: Senator Steven Thayne
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday July 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07202015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Kelly Culver of Youth for CHRIST to share his testimony, about Youth for CHRIST and their new office to open soon in Caldwell, Idaho. Dr. Harper also talks about other Youth ministry of Aslan Academy, Children of Hope Family Hospital, Teen Challenge and Teen Mania. To learn more about Youth for CHRIST, visit their web site: http://www.yfc.net Pictured left: Kelly Culver
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday July 17th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07172015.mp3
Pastor Saeed and Iran Deal News Update!
Dr. Anthony Harper, InterMountain Christian News Correspondent, gives news report from the White House James Brady Press room Friday July 17, 2015 to discuss the plight of Pastor Saeed and other unjustly incarcerated U.S. citizens in Iran in light of the recent Iran Deal President Obama announced.
View the video news report at the following web site: https://youtu.be/JTigmb3eVMo Pictured left: Dr. Anthony Harper Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues that affect the survival of America and Israel in light of the recent deal with Iran. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe
Dr. Harper also interviews Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the recent issues that affect the survival of America and Israel in light of the recent deal with Iran. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday July 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07162015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday July 15th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07152015.mp3
White House News Report Concerning Israel!
News reporter Dr. Anthony Harper with the InterMountain Christian News shares a video news report regarding the latest news regarding Israel from the White House James Brady press room Wednesday July 15, 2015. To view this video, click on the following link:
Pictured left: Dr. Harper
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday July 13th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07132015.mp3
A Video News Report At the White House Yesterday! Dr. Anthony Harper with the InterMountain Christian News at the White House Daily Briefing James Brady press room MondayJuly 13, 2015 gives a video news report in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on marriage reads the Christian leader's Open Letter to the Supreme Court and President Lincoln's 1863 call to repentance from the same podium President Obama uses. Watch my video news report at the following link: https://youtu.be/7D5d5TiHWn0
Pictured left: Dr. Harper
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday July 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07092015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about prayer and intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday July 8th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07082015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues that affect the survival of America like the recent Supreme Court decision on Marriage and the ramifications of that decision for the Christian church. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday July 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07062015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews former Moslem Shahram Hadian of Truth in Love to share his testimony, the truth about Islam, Moslem immigration and national security issues for the United States. Pictured left: Shahram Hadian
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday July 3rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07032015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor and Christian attorney Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding Marriage and the implication for the Christian church, our nation and our world with the solution found in repentance (turning from wicked ways) as stated in 2 Chronicles 7:14 of The Old Testament. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday July 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding marriage and to encourage Christians to contend for our faith by persisting to be in humble prayer and repentance, to share the Truth in love with our leaders and to share some other intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday June 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06262015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Christian Psychiatrist Dr. Terry Trudel regarding the topic of Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association. Pictured left: Dr. Terry Trudel
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday June 25th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06252015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States sharing about an urgent national prayer and repentance event 'A Call to a Fall' - web site http://call2fall.com and also to share other upcoming intermountain events. For more info about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06232015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Julie Lynde of the Cornerstone Family Council to discuss the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court Decision regarding marriage. Dr. Harper also replays his previous April 17, 2014 interview with Idaho Governor Butch Otter and Senator Russ Fulcher regarding marriage and other moral issues that affect the State of Idaho and our nation. To read the web site on Defending Marriage, go to the following link: http://www.defendmarriage.org Pictured left to right: Julie Lynde of the Cornerstone Family Council, Idaho Governor Butch Otter and Idaho Senator Russ Fulcher.
For more information about Cornerstone Family Council, go to their following web site of: http://www.cfcidaho.org
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday June 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06192015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders from Casper, Wyoming to talk about the state of our nation and world and about their recent trip to Nepal and northern Iraq to help those that are hurting. Pictured left: Patrick Klein
For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to their following web site of: http://visionbeyondborders.org
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday June 18th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06182015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the recent 'Response' call for prayer and repentance event in South Carolina and to share some other intermountain events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday June 11th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06112015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues that affect the survival of America like the upcoming Supreme Court decision on Marriage the end of June of 2015 and the ramifications of that decision. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday June 10th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06102015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the need of humble prayer during these perilous times the United States and Israel and the world and upcoming events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday June 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06092015.mp3
Dr. Harper replays interview with Christian Psychiatrist Dr. Terry Trudel December 14, 2012 regarding the topic of Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association. Pictured left: Dr. Terry Trudel
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday June 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06042015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock-Watts regarding the latest Israel news and the state of America.
To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06032015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the need of humble prayer during these perilous times the United States and Israel and the world and upcoming events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday June 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the URGENT issues that affect the survival of America like the upcoming Supreme Court decision on Marriage the end of June of 2015 and the ramifications of that decision. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday June 1st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH06012015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Dr. Ed Boudreaux of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship in Denver, Colorado to talk about the appearance and origin of alien encounters plus their upcoming creation vs evolution events. For more information about Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, visit their following web site of: http://www.youngearth.org Pictured left: Dr. Ed Boudreaux
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday May 28th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05282015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the need of humble prayer during these perilous times the United States and Israel and the world. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
For more information about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday May 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05272015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of AmericanMinute.com web site to talk about the problem with I.S.I.S. and other terrorist organizations and the solution to this problem found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Check out Mr. Federer's web site at: http://www.americanminute.com. Pictured left: William Federer of American Minute
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiences, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday May 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05262015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Mark Langfan, J.D. of Americans for a Safe Israel to discuss the benefits for defense of Israel. Pictured left:Mark Langfan, J.D.
To watch a 10 minute video regarding defense of Israel issues, go to the web site: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GUNN5QwQh6s
Click on following links for Americans for a Safe Israel and Mark Langfan's web site: http://www.afsi.org http://www.marklangfan.com
Dr. Harper also interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon to talk about their upcoming field trip to Hell's Canyon June 19-21 other of upcoming evolution vs creation seminar events. For more information about their June 19-21 field trip, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com. Pictured left: Brent Carter To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday May 25th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05252015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Dr. Ed Boudreaux of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship in Denver, Colorado to talk about their upcoming creation vs evolution events and about appearance and origin of alien encounters. For more information about Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, visit their following web site of: http://www.youngearth.org Pictured left: Dr. Ed Boudreaux
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Saturday May 23rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05232015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming regarding his national news commentary service Rino Tracker, the state of our nation and the upcoming 2016 U.S. presidential election and the state of Israel. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday May 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the need of humble prayer during these perilous times the United States and Israel and the world. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday May 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05202015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Stephen Peterson from Layton, Utah to talk about the recent declaration of the Catholic Pope Francis for Palestinian statehood and their National Day of Prayer events in Utah. Catholic Pope Opposes Israel!
Pray for Israel Prime Minister Netantahu and his family! See news story link below: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/13/world/vatican-palestinian-statehood Pastor Steven Peterson provides news content for Christian TV 18 in Nampa, Idaho and TV 20 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
For information about TV20, go to the web site of: http://tv20.tv and for info on TV18, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php Pictured left: Pastor Stephen Peterson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday May 19, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio rebroadcast of April 30, 2012, go to the following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04302012.mp3 This is a rebroadcast of Dr. Harper and Alan Jones interview with Dinesh D'Souza regarding his book and movie about President Obama April 30, 2012.
Pictured left: Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza is President of The King's Collegein New York City, author of New York Times best seller books, one of which is used as the foundation for a new movie due out in major theaters nationwide (Summer 2012) titled 'Obama's America 2016.' Danesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" was the basis of this movie. Gerald R. Molen is the movie producer who is Steven Spielberg’s co-producer on Hollywood blockbusters such as "Schindler’s List," "Jurassic Park." Click here to watch Danesh D'Souza's presentation at the CPAC 2012 event.
Click here to learn more about Dinesh D'Souza. Click here to view the movie web site for 'Obama's America 2016.'
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday May 14th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05142015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about the need of humble prayer during these perilous times the United States and Israel and the world. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday May 8th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05082015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock-Watts of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel regarding the victory of Prime Minister Netanyahu in forming a coalition government as of the deadline Wednesday May 6th and President Obama's attempts to oppose his election.
To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday May 7th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05072015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share about our Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events and to be in prayer specifically for GOD's intervention regarding the churches and our government in the United States and for Israe. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday May 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05062015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel, the world and to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday May 5th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05052015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about URGENT issues that affect the survival of America and Israel and our world. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe
To help support Dr. Harper's reporter experiences representing our Christian concerns, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday May 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH05042015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brigitte Gabriel, Expert on Islam with Act for America who is speaking 7:00PM Thursday May 7th, 2015 at the Deer Flat Church located in Caldwell, Idaho. For more information about her and Act for America, visit their web site of: http://www.actforamerica.org. Pictured left: Brigitte Gabriel of Act for America
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday April 30th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04302015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share upcoming events in our intermountain region including upcoming Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events to be in prayer specifically for GOD's intervention regarding Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu and the U.S. Supreme Court decision on constitutionality for states to ban same sex marriage.. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday April 24th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04242015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders from Casper, Wyoming to talk about his recent trip to northern Iraq, our world's Sex Slavery, terrorism and other problems and how the solution is found in repentance. Pictured left: Patrick Klein
For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to their following web site of: http://visionbeyondborders.org
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday April 23rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04232015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share upcoming events in our intermountain region including upcoming Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04222015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of AmericanMinute.com web site to talk about the problem with I.S.I.S. and other terrorist organizations with a background of history of Islam and the solution to this problem found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Also discussed is the U.S. Supreme Court hearing begining April 28 regarding consitutional right to homosexual marriage and how the present justices Ginsburg and Kagen should recuse themselves because of their bias in condoning and performing same sex weddings. Check out Mr. Federer's web site at: http://www.americanminute.com. Pictured left: William Federer of American Minute
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday April 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon to talk about their recent field trip to Hell's Canyon and their upcoming evolution vs creation seminar guest speaker Tom Lucas April 22-24. For more information about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com. Pictured left: Brent Carter
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday April 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04202015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brigitte Gabriel, Expert on Islam with Act for America who is speaking 7:00PM Thursday May 7th, 2015 at the Deer Flat Church located in Caldwell, Idaho. For more information about her and Act for America, visit their web site of: http://www.actforamerica.org. Pictured left: Brigitte Gabriel of Act for America
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday April 17th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04172015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israe, the world and to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
Dr. Harper also replays his Monday April 13, 2015 interview with Rabbi Yehuda Levin from New York City to talk about what Church and other leaders in our nation should do in demanding that Supreme Court judges Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan recuse (excuse themselves) from the crucial Supreme Court vote on Marriage laws June of this year. Rabbi Levin and many Christian leaders believe that those judges should recuse themselves because of they endorsed homosexual marriage and performed homosexual weddings.
Rabbi Levin shares a warning for America and Israel and a call to turn from wicked ways as stated in the Holy Bible 2Chronicles 7:14 or there will be GOD's judgment resulting in more terrorism and natural disasters including a worsening drought.
For more information about Rabbi Levin, go to his following web site of: http://www.rabbilevin.com. Rabbi Yehuda Levin
For info. about Dr. Harper's recent trip to Israel to meet with Israel leaders and news reporters, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday April 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04162015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share upcoming events in our intermountain region including upcoming Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday April 15th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04152015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Allen Marsh of Nampa, Idaho to talk about the recent Northwest Science Museum showing of the movie 'A Matter of Faith' regarding evolutionism versus creationism, the falls of Christian schools and upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on marriage and the demand for 3 of the Supreme Court judges Sotomayer, Ginsburg and Kagan to recuse themselves because they performed same sex weddings, thus violating the current U.S. law 'Defense of Marriage Act.'
To help support InterMountain Christian News and Dr. Harper share our Christian concerns, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday April 14th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04142015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Rabbi Yehuda Levin from New York City to talk about what Church and other leaders in our nation should do in demanding that Supreme Court judges Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan recuse (excuse themselves) from the crucial Supreme Court vote on Marriage laws June of this year. Rabbi Levin and many Christian leaders believe that those judges should recuse themselves because of they endorsed homosexual marriage and performed homosexual weddings.
Rabbi Levin shares a warning for America and Israel and a call to turn from wicked ways as stated in the Holy Bible 2Chronicles 7:14 or there will be GOD's judgment resulting in more terrorism and natural disasters including a worsening drought.
For more information about Rabbi Levin, go to his following web site of: http://www.rabbilevin.com and check out the Day of Repentance web site of: http://www.dayofrepentance.org. Rabbi Yehuda Levin
For info. about Dr. Harper's recent trip to Israel to meet with Israel leaders and news reporters, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday April 13th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04132015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Stan Lutz of the Northwest Science Museum to talk about the FREE movie 'A Matter of Faith' they are providing at the Overland Park Cinema in Boise, Idaho two remaining nights Monday April 13th and Wednesday April 15th both at 7:00PM. Their NW Science Museum web site is: http://northwestsciencemuseum.com.
Dr. Harper also interviews Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt from The Pray in JESUS name project in Colorado regarding local intermountain and national news items. For more info., visit his web site of: http://www.prayinjesusname.org Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday April 10th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04102015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brad Scheelke of Oasis Books in Logan, Utah to talk about their ministry of sharing and encouraging in how to share The Gospel . For more information, visit their following web site of at: http://oasisbookslogan.org Pictured left: Brad Scheelke
To help support InterMountain Christian News and Dr. Harper share our Christian concerns, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday April 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04092015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share upcoming events in our intermountain region including upcoming Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday April 8th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04082015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about URGENT issues that affect the survival of America and Israel and our world. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday April 7th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04072015.mp3 Pictured left: David Barrett
Dr. Harper interviews David Barrett of the Rocky Mountain Biblical Worldview Conference to talk about their conference Friday April 10 - Saturday April 11 at the Ten Mile Community Church in Meridian, Idaho. Special speakers include:
LT. COL. JOHN EIDSMOE, Senior Counsel and Resident Scholar at Foundation for Moral Law, is a constitutional attorney who has authored over a dozen books.
WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker and best-selling author of America’s God & Country Encyclopedia of Quotations. His “American Minute” radio feature is broadcast daily across America.
DR. MARSHALL FOSTER is the founder of the World History Institute, a nonprofit educational foundation, to teach the biblical and historical foundations of liberty.
4400 Columbia Road, Meridian, Idaho at the corner of Cloverdale Rd. and Columbia Rd. in South Boise/Meridian. For more info. and to register for this event, click here. To learn more about the host of this event 'Biblical Worldview Learning Center,' visit their following web site of: http://www.biblicalview.com To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday April 3rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04032015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel with regards to recent elections in Israel and response from U.S. leaders to Prime Minister Netanyahu's election victory and other issues affecting Israel and the United States.
To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. To listen to Cheryl and Dr. Harper's hot interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu's opposition V15 election campaign worker, click on here to download.
Pictured left to right: News reporters Cheryl Hancock-Watts and Dr. Anthony Harper at Prime Minister Netanyahu Likud Party Election event in Tel Aviv, Israel Tuesday March 17.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter upcoming trip to cover the Prime Minister election events and past experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday April 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson from Laramie, Wyoming of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share upcoming Resurrection Sunday April 5th events, about prayer and other events in our intermountain region including upcoming Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday April 1st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04012015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Lonnie Crowe from Torrington, Wyoming to talk about her article titled '
Fighting the Good Fight in the Middle East.' Pictured left: Pastor Lonnie Crowe
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday March 31st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03312015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Rex Heckel of the Vaughn Community Bible Church in Vaughn, Montana to talk about a Pastor's event regarding Bible Inerrancy at the Shepherd's Conference, Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. Pictured left: Pastor Rex Heckel
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday March 30th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03302015.mp3
Dr. Harper interview Rick Deighton of the Northwest Science Museum to talk about the return of the 'A Matter of Faith' movie to the Overland Park Cinema in Boise, Idaho April 12, 13 and 15. Pictured left: Rick Deighton
Dr. Harper also interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon to talk about their recent field trip to Hell's Canyon and their upcoming evolution vs creation seminar guest speaker Tom Lucas April 22-24. For more information about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com. Pictured left: Brent Carter
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday March 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03272015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israe, the world and to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday March 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03262015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share upcoming Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday events, about prayer and other events including upcoming Thursday May 7th National Day of Prayer events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter Israel and White House experiencess, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday March 24th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03242015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brian Fischer of American Family Radio of Tupelo, Mississippi to talk about the latest Israel Prime Minister March 17 elections and the implications for Israel and the United States. Check out American Family Radio online at the following web site of: http://www.afr.net. Bryan Fischer
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday March 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03202015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with regards to he and Cheryl's news reporter interviews surrounding the Prime Minister of Israel elections. Dr. Harper also interviews a coalition Naphtali Bennett Jewish Home party representative Mr. Jeremy Saltan to discuss election results. Mr. Saltan is not only a the head of the Party's Anglo forum, he is also a council member in Mevaseret Zion and Israeli political expert
To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter upcoming trip to cover the Prime Minister election events and past experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday March 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03192015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Jeremy Wimpfheimer of Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud Party to discuss the March 17 election results for the first 10 minutes of today's broadcast followed by an interview with Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. Click on following link to visit the Temple Institute web site: https://www.templeinstitute.org
Pictured left: Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem.
IMCNews publisher Dr. Harper is still in need of donations to cover travel expenses to Israel to represent our Christian concerns with Israel officials, news reporters and other Israel leaders and citizens. To make your tax deductible donation, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday March 18th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03182015.mp3 Listen to Israel Prime Minister election post coverage event that Dr. Anthony of IMCNews attends at Media Central in Jerusalem along with guest speakers on election results and news reporters. Dr. Anthony asks questions that reflect our Christian concerns. To listen to this broadcast event, click on the following link to download this historic broadcast: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03182015.mp3
Pictured left: Media Central guest speaker Mohammad Darawshe
Pictured left: Media Central Guest
Professor Gideon Rahat.
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Pictured left to right: News reporters Cheryl Hancock-Watts and Dr. Anthony Harper at Prime Minister Netanyahu Likud Party Election event in Tel Aviv, Israel Tuesday March 17.
Listen to Israel Prime Minister Election event with your news reporter hosts Dr. Anthony of the Intermountain Christian News and guest IMCNews reporter Cheryl Hancock-Watts - see attached event pictures. This event was held Tuesday night March 17, 2015 - early morning Wednesday March 18 at the Exhibition Center of the Fairgrounds in Tel Aviv. Prime Minister Netanyahu declares his election victory with 30 seats in the Knesset compared to his chief opposition candidates of Herzog and Livni with 24 seats. What happens next is that Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to get other party candidates to join in a coalition government and they need to have a minimum of 61 seats to form a new government, which is expected to be finalized and made formal with a matter of weeks or so. Dr. Anthony asks questions that reflect our Christian concerns. To listen to this broadcast event, click on the following link to download this historic broadcast: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03172015.mp3
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter upcoming trip to cover the Prime Minister election events and past experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday March 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03162015.mp3
Dr. Harper and Cheryl Hancock-Watts broadcast from Jerusalem today and have an interview with a V15 campaign (an outreach effort of One Voice) representative at their office in Jerusalem to talk about their effort in supporting leftist and centrist candidates for Israel Prime Minister who oppose current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Also, Dr. Harper interviews a Mr. Raphael Haar of the United Jerusalem Freedom Alliance who oppose a divided Jerusalem. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock Pictured left: Dr. Harper
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter upcoming trip to cover the Prime Minister election events and past experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday March 13th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03132015.mp3
Dr. Harper and Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance talk about the state of our nation, Israel and the world and to talk about the solution to terrorism found in 2Chronicles 7:14 of The Holy Bible. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
Dr. Harper is in Israel sharing our Christian concerns with Israel officials and other news reporters. Please pray for continued favor in meetings with Israel officials and news reporters regarding terrorism and the solution found in 2Chronicles 7:14. Pictured left: Dr. Harper at Western Wall of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem, Israel Thursday March 13th, 2015.
Dr. Harper still has need of supports to cover his news reporter trip in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events and share our Christian concerns in questions, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday March 12th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03122015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary about intermountain events and national and international issues for Israel. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
Dr. Harper is in Israel sharing our Christian concerns with Israel officials and other news reporters. Please pray for continued favor in meetings with Israel officials and news reporters regarding terrorism and the solution found in 2Chronicles 7:14. Pictured left: Dr. Harper arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel Wednesday March 11th, 2015.
To help support Dr. Harper's news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events and share our Christian concerns in questions, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday March 11th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03112015.mp3
Dr. Harper arrives in Israel and gives a brief summary of news events to come and will be giving daily updates while in Israel reporting on the Prime Minister election. Pictured left: Dr. Harper arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel Wednesday March 11th, 2015.
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday March 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03092015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Lance Wells, a musician performing in concert to benefit Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery in Gresham, Oregon who is a Christian bakery owner accused of breaking the law for refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding. Benefit concert: ADD NO WORDS - THE CONCERT
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Nampa Civic Center
For tickets, call (208) 468-5555
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday March 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03062015.mp3 (a prerecorded interview from Monday March 2nd)
Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming regarding his national news commentary service Rino Tracker. More information about him and his news service is at his following web site of: http://www.rinotracker.us Pictured left: Chris Adamo
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday March 5th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03052015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about URGENT issues that affect the survival of America and Israel and our world. More info. at the following web site of: http://restoreamerica.org Pictured left: David Crowe
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday March 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03042015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on the Jewish holiday 'Purim' that is a holiday celebrating the Jews salvation from the evil prince Haman of Persia and to discuss other intermountain events. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To help support Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21 to cover the Prime Minister election and other Israel events, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday March 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH03022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Sarah Abraham of Crosses Across America to discuss their history and about all the over 2,000 crosses across America in honor of JESUS. The web site of Crosses Across America is: http://www.crossesacrossamerica.com Bernard Coffindaffer is the founder of the nonprofit Crosses of Mercy - Cast Thy Bread, Inc., now called Crosses Across America, Inc. Pictured left: Bernard Coffindaffer
To learn more about Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Saturday February 28th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02282015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with regards to upcoming elections in Israel for Prime Minister, an update on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter upcoming trip to cover the Prime Minister election events and past experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday February 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02272015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel and the world to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's upcoming news reporter experience in Israel March 11-21, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02262015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Ray Strom who is the guest speaker this week for Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon February 25-27. Mr. Ray Strom will be speaking tonight February 26 at Heritage Bible Church in Boise at 7:00PM. Friday February 27 1:00PM-2:00PM at the Ada County Library in Boise, Idaho at 7:00PM Friday February 27 at the Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Ontario, Oregon.
For more information about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday February 25th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02252015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on our intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
Dr. Harper also interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon to talk about their evolution vs creation seminar guest speaker Ray Strom this week February 25-27. To listen to that interview, go to following link: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH0225a2015.mp3
For more information about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com. Pictured left: Brent Carter
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday February 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02202015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel and the world to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02192015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders from Casper, Wyoming to talk about our world's Sex Slavery, terrorism and other problems and how the solution is found in repentance. Pictured left: Patrick Klein
For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to their following web site of: http://visionbeyondborders.org
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday February 18th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02182015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on our I.S.I.S. terror problem, intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday February 17th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02172015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Idaho Senator Russ Fulcher to talk about the state of the state issues for Idaho and our nation regarding a moral crisis of unprecedented nature and how lack of repentance is connected to terrorism. More information about Senator Fulcher is at his following web site of: http://www.russfulcher.com. Pictured left: Idaho Senator Russ Fulcher For previous broadcast interview with Senator Fulcher April 17, 2014 go to the following link (interview appears at the 27 minute 46 secondmark in the broadcast program below) http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH04172014.mp3
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday February 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02162015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of AmericanMinute.com web site to talk about President Obama's recent comments about Christianity and to share a brief history of Muhammad and Islam. Check out his web site at: http://www.americanminute.com. Pictured left: William Federer of American Minute
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday February 13th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02132015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel and the world to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 12th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02122015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Rich Christiano of the great movie titled 'A Matter of Faith' regarding the topic of evolution and creation. This movie is extended and is playing at the Boise, Idaho Edwards Theatre. Dr. Harper also interviews Vern Hickman regarding his experience with the movie and Stan Lutz of the Northwest Science Museum who helped bring the movie to Boise. For more info. about the movie, visit the web site of: http://www.amatteroffaithmovie.com and for info about NW Science Museum, visit their web site of: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday February 11th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02112015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday February 10th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02102015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with an update on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday February 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02092015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Stephen Peterson from the National Governors Prayer Team, Christian television TV18 Nampa, Idaho and TV20 from Salt Lake City, Utah to talk about local intermountain, national and Israel issues. For information about the National Governors Prayer Team, go to the web site of: http://ngpt.org, for TV20, go to the web site of: http://tv20.tv and for info on TV18, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php Pictured left: Pastor Stephen Peterson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday February 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02062015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Bishop E.W. Jackson of S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True to Americas National Destiny) to talk about the state of our nation, the recent event called The Response by Governor Jindal of Louisiana and the state of Israel and a brief history of the conflict between the Christian Crusaders and Moslem Armies. For more info, go to the following S.T.A.N.D. web site of: http://standamerica.us. Pictured left: Bishop E.W. Jackson Click here to download Dr.Harper's interview with Bishop E.W. Jackson on 10/08/2012.
For info. about Dr. Harper's upcoming trip to Israel to meet with Israel leaders, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday February 5th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02052015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Rabbi Yehuda Levin from New York City to talk about the spiritual state of Israel and America with a call to repentance that is the solution to the terrorism and host of other disasters we have been experiencing. The repentance solution is found in the Holy Bible 2Chronicles 7:14. For more information about Rabbi Levin, go to his following web site of: http://www.rabbilevin.com and check out the Day of Repentance web site of: http://www.dayofrepentance.org. Rabbi Yehuda Levin
For info. about Dr. Harper's upcoming trip to Israel to meet with Israel leaders, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday February 4th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02042015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday February 3rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02032015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt from The Pray in JESUS name project in Colorado regarding local intermountain and national news items. For more info., visit his web site of: http://www.prayinjesusname.org Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday February 2nd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH02022015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Paul Thompson of the Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho to talk about the recent homosexuality legislation Idaho House Bill 2 event he attended and also to share about his church outreach to orphans in Haiti. For more information about Pastor Paul, visit his blog web site address of: http://www.paulthompsonblog.com. Pictured left: Pastor Paul Thompson
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 30th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01302015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Idaho Senator Steven Thayne regarding homosexuality legislation Idaho House Bill 2 that would have affected constitutional 'Free Speech' rights and recently was defeated in a vote of 13 to 4. Pictured left: Senator Steven Thayne
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday January 29th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01292015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Dave Nutting of Alpha Omega Institute to talk about he and his wife Mary Jo's speaking events at their evolution vs creation seminar guest this week January 28-30. Tonight seminar is at Heritage Bible Church in Boise, Idaho at 7:00PM and tomorrow night at Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Ontario, Oregon. For more of their events in Boise and elsewhere call Brent Carter in Boise at (208) 375-9592. For Dave and Mary Jo Nutting's web site, go to their following web site of: http://www.discovercreation.org. For info about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com. Pictured left: Dave and Mary Jo Nutting
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday January 28th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01282015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday January 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01272015b.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brent Carter of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon to talk about their evolution vs creation seminar guest speakers Dave and Joann Nutting this week January 28-30. For more information about Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon, visit their web site of: http://figionline.com. Pictured left: Brent Carter
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday January 27th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01272015a.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with an update on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Pictured left: Cheryl Hancock
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday January 26th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01262015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of the Day of Repentance web site to talk about the state of our nation, Israel and the world to talk about the solution to our problems. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at: http://dayofrepentance.org. Pictured left: Pastor Jeff Daly with the Day of Repentance.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 23rd, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01232015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders from Casper, Wyoming to talk about our world's Sex Slavery, terrorism and other problems and how the solution is found in repentance. Pictured left: Patrick Klein
For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to their following web site of: http://visionbeyondborders.org
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Wednesday January 21st, 2015 Free Pastor Saeed Rally at President Obama speaking event at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho.
Dr. Harper interviews participants in the Save Saeed rally. To listen to that InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to the following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01212015b.mp3
Video of Save Saeed rally below by Dr. Harper of Intermountain Christian News. Watch video at following link: http://youtu.be/gNk-F9odK3E
For the Wednesday January 21st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01212015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. Pictured left: Gina Gibson
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday January 20th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01202015.mp3 Dr. Harper of Intermountain Christian News Hour radio broadcast interviews Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, to discuss pro life issues and a link between terrorism and lack of repentance.
This program includes my previous interview with Dr. Alveda King on October 11, 2012. To listen to the broadcast today January 20, 2015, go to the following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01202015.mp3
Pictured left: Dr. Alveda King
To download the latest issue of the InterMountain Christian newspaper with March for Life information inside, go to the download link: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/issues/vol13n1.pdf
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday January 19th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01192015.mp3
Today is a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jason Herring of True North Church in Garden City, Idaho and Right to Life of Idaho to talk about our March for Life events this week in light of the Roe v Wade decision in support of killing children in Abortion. For more information about Right to Life events, visit the web site of: http://www.rtli.org. The Boise, Idaho March for Life event is Saturday January 24 meeting at 1:00PM at the Julia Davis Bandshell in Boise, Idaho marching to the Idaho State Capitol for a rally beginning at 1:15PM. Listen to Dr. Harper's Tuesday January 20th radio broadcast interview with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s niece Dr. Alveda King. To learn more about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., click here. Pictured left: Pastor Jason Herring
To download the latest issue of the InterMountain Christian newspaper with March for Life information inside, go to the download link: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/issues/vol13n1.pdf
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 16th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01162015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with an update on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday January 15th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01152015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews volunteer White House IMCNews reporter Rev. Frank Shelton to share an update regarding the state of our nation and about our White House press meeting experiences.
Pictured above left to right: IMCNews White House volunteer reporters Rev. Frank Shelton and Rev. Dr. Anthony Harper.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel leaving March 10, 2015 to represent Christian concerns at Prime Minister's election headquarters. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday January 14th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01142015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday January 13th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01132015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Stan Lutz of the Northwest Science Museum in Boise, Idaho that is sponsoring the 'A Matter of Faith' movie due out in major theatres February 6th of 2015 regarding evolutionism versus creationism. The 'A Matter of Faith' movie web site is http://www.amatteroffaithmovie.com. For more information about the Northwest Science Museum, go to their web site at: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com. For ticket information regarding the 'A Matter of Faith' movie, call Rick Deighton in Nampa, Idaho at (208) 284-7425.
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday January 12, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01122015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about URGENT issues that affect the survival of America and Israel and our world. More info. at the following web site of:
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday January 9th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01092015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with an update on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday January 8th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01082015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews John Fortmeyer of the Christian Newspaper Association and Christian News Northwest in Portland, Oregon. John Fortmeyer shares the history of the Christian Newspaper Association (CNA). For more information about the Christian News Northwest, view their web site: http://www.cnnw.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday January 7th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01072015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday January 6th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01062015.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Steven Peterson from Christian television TV18 Nampa, Idaho and TV20 from Salt Lake City, Utah to talk about intermountain region, national and Israel issues. For information about TV20, go to the web site of: http://tv20.tv and for info on TV18, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday January 5th, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01052015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Rick Deighton of the Northwest Science Museum in Boise, Idaho to talk about the great new movie regarding Evolution and Creation called
'A Matter of Faith' - the movie web site is http://www.amatteroffaithmovie.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday January 1st, 2015 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH01012015.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues that the church and our nation faces. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Tuesday December 31st, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast is a rebroadcast of Dr. Harper's interview with Television actor Kirk Cameron. Click here to download. Kirk Cameron of The Way of The Master (click here for the audio mp3 interview September 14, 2010 by Dr. Anthony Harper of Boise, Idaho of the InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program - this is a 20.3 mega byte file requiring high speed internet ). Click here to view The Way of The Master web site.
Monday December 29th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast is a rebroadcast of Dr. Harper's interview with best selling author Rabbi Cahn of the book titled 'Harbinger.' Go to following web site link to download:
Pastor Jonathan Cahn, author of book 'The Harbinger.' Interview by Dr. Anthony Harper on December 12, 2012. Click here to download.
For the Wednesday December 24th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12242014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to share commentary on intermountain events and national issues the church and our nation faces.
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday December 23rd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12232014.mp3
From Washington, D.C., Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly from the Day of Repentance ministry to talk about important issues of repentance and how that affects us individually and nationally with a link between lack of repentance and terrorism. Check out the Day of Repentance web site at following link of: http://www.dayofrepentance.org.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday December 22nd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12222014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gracia Burnham who is a guest speaker sharing her testimony along with others at the Voice of The Martyrs conference at the Midvale Bible Church in Bluffdale, Utah Saturday January 17, 2015. To learn more about Gracia Burnham, visit her web site of: http://www.graciaburnham.org. To register for this conference, go to the web site of: http://www.vommeetings.com. Gracia Burnham
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday December 19th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12192014.mp3
This is a replay of Thursday December 18th Dr. Harper interview with Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt from The Pray in JESUS name project in Colorado regarding local intermountain and national news items. For more info., visit his web site of: http://www.prayinjesusname.org Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday December 18th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12182014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel reporting the truth about Israel with an update on recent Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's speaking event, and Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com.
To learn more about Dr. Harper's news reporter experiences in Israel and at the White House, go to the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 17th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12172014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about recent Carols At The Capitol events at State Capitols in our intermountain area and share commentary on national issues the church and our nation faces. Check out the Carols At The Capitol the following web site of: http://www.carolsatthecapitol.com.
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday December 16th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12162014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Mark Hicks of Casper, Wyoming to talk about his concerns for the United States (this is a prerecorded interview from Saturday December 13, 2014).
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday December 15th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12152014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews the 'A Matter of Faith' movie producer Rich Christiano about this movie due out in major theatres February of 2015 regarding evolutionism versus creationism. The 'A Matter of Faith' movie web site is http://www.amatteroffaithmovie.com.
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Saturday December 13th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12132014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel to share updates on news in Israel. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com.
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday December 11th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12112014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brian Fischer of American Family Radio of Tupelo, Mississippi to talk about the latest Benghasi report, new Republical leadership efforts, the state of Israel and our nation. Check out American Family Radio online at the following web site of: http://www.afr.net. Bryan Fischer
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 10th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12102014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about legal victories in saying Merry CHRISTmas and other issues and about the Carols At The Capitol event at State Capitols throughout our nation December 13 - web site of http://www.carolsatthecapitol.com.
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Saturday December 6th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12062014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt from The Pray in JESUS name project from Colorado regarding a recent court case about praying in the name of JESUS and also to discuss his recent and other recent legislative wins. For more info., visit his web site of: http://www.prayinjesusname.org Chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday December 3rd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12042014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel to share updates on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com.
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday December 3, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12032014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer in Colorado and elsewhere and up to date events (i.e. the Carols At The Capitol event at State Capitols throughout our nation December 13 - web site of http://www.carolsatthecapitol.com.
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
For the Tuesday December 2nd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12022014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Dr. Michael Waldrop of the Desert Ridge Baptist Church in Saint George, Utah to discuss the 'Inerrancy' of the Holy Bible and the state of the church today. For their church web site, go to the following web site: http://www.desertridgebaptist.org
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday December 1st, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH12012014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Steven Peterson from Christian television TV18 Nampa, Idaho and TV20 from Salt Lake City, Utah to talk about national and Israel issues. For information about TV20, go to the web site of: http://tv20.tv and for info on TV18, go to the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday November 28, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11282014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Clare Lopez to discuss the recent Bengazi report. Clare Lopez reports for Accuracy in Media and has 20 year work history with the C.I.A..
To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his December 8 trip to Israel to meet with the Israel President and Prime Minister, go to following web site: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday November 26th , 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11262014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about recent legal wins regarding prayer in Colorado and elsewhere, about recent Ferguson, Missouri violence and most importantly, a Thanksgiving message of hope. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his December 8 trip to Israel to meet with the Israel President and Prime Minister, go to following web site: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday November 25, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11252014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Dr. Vaughn Huckfeldt from Colorado of Project Love to talk about Human trafficking and sexual slavery and what people can do to stop it.
Dr. Huckfeldt's web site for more information is: http://www.stoptrafficking.us.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday November 24, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11242014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Andrea O'Brien of Carols At The Capitol to talk about their December 13 Carols at State Capitols nationwide reclaiming CHRISTmas in our nation honoring JESUS instead of Santa Claus. Check out the Carols at The Capitol web site at: http://www.carolsatthecapitol.com.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday November 21, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11212014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Isaac Moffett from Nampa, Idaho to talk about President Obama's last night unconstitutional action regarding amnesty and other unconstitutional issues the president and other leaders have committed.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday November 20, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11202014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brent Carter of Boise, Idaho to talk about the Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon events in Idaho and sharing an update on the Northwest Science Museum. Check out their web site at: http://www.figionline.com and the Northwest Science Museum web site at: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday November 19th 9, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11192014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer, the state of the Christian church, the issue of Islam in the church and about reclaiming CHRISTmas with Carols at the Capital and the Saving CHRISTmas movie. For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
Dr. Harper also interviews
Amber Dawn McCall and Jim Staples of the ministry Aslan Christian Academy in Wilder, Idaho that is serving females ages 11-17 that have been rescued from sexual slavery in human trafficking. The Aslan Christian Academy web site is: http://www.aslanacademy.org. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday November 17th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11172014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of American Minute to talk about the upcoming Salmon Rushdie speaking FREE event at the Boise State University Morrison Center Thursday November 20th at 7PM and about the history of Mohammad versus history of JESUS. William Federer's web site is: http://americanminute.com. For information about the Salmon Rushdie event, click here or on following web site link of: http://news.boisestate.edu/update/2014/11/07/salman-rushdie-presents-distinguished-lecture-nov-20.
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Saturday November 15th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11152014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Lt. Colonel Warren Grover (Air Force Retired) to talk about Islam and its effect on our nation and world and about Brigette Gabriel of Act for America and William Federer that are great education outreach resources regarding the truth about Islam. Also discussed was the need for a Christian Awareness Month in response to the Islam Awareness Month. Check out the Act for America web site at: http://actforamerica.org and William Federer's American Minute web site of: http://americanminute.com. Year end donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/support.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday November 12th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11122014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gipson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States region to talk about recent election news and intermountain and national Christian events.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper, go to the following web site: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday November 11th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11112014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Cheryl Hancock of Reporting from Israel to share updates on Israel security and other Israel issues. To receive Cheryl Hancock's Israel newsletter, send a request to: reportingfromisrael@gmail.com. Dr. Harper also interviews Mark Hicks of Wyoming to share his commentary on the recent midterm U.S. election news and other concerns about the United States. Today is Veterans Day and Mark and Dr. Harper are both veterans and encourage all to pray for veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms.
Donations are needed in support of the InterMountain Christian newspaper, our intermountain area's only grassroots newspaper to share our Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday November 10th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11102014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Brian Fischer of American Family Radio of Tupelo, Missippi and Allen Marsh of Nampa, Idaho to discuss our recent midterm U.S. election results and about the Islam Awareness Month versus a Christian Awareness Month.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday November 7th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11072014.mp3
From Washington, D.C., Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly from the Day of Repentance ministry and Pastor Steven Peterson from Christian television TV 20 and TV 18.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday November 6th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11062014.mp3
From Washington, D.C. and the White House, Dr. Harper interviews volunteer IMCNews reporter Frank Shelton while at the White House today to give an update regarding the White House press meeting they attended.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday November 5th 9, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11052014.mp3 From Washington D.C., Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about our midterm U.S. election results (an answer to our cry out to GOD) and to share events in our intermountain area and our nation. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday November 4th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11042014.mp3
From Washington, D.C. and the White House, Dr. Harper gives an update regarding White House press meetings he is attending and the latest IMCNews needs update. Tomorrow's guest is Gina Gipson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States region. Today is our day to Vote! For voter information, visit the following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/votenovember4.php
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday November 3rd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH11032014.mp3
From Washington, D.C. and the White House, Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wyoming and Cheryl Hancock from Israel to share commentary on national and Israel news issues.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel and White House to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Dr. Harper replays his August 15, 2012 iInterview with President Obama's classmate from Columbia University Mr. Wayne Root. Dr. Harper has arrived back from Israel and is headed to Washington, D.C. today to attend White House daily press meetings November 3-7 to GOD willing, get called on by President Obama. Pray for Dr. Harper for favor in getting called on and to boldly and clearly ask President Obama a question regarding President Lincoln's March 30, 1863 Proclamation for a National Fast Day of repentance. Dr. Harper will be giving daily reports from the White House. Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday October 27, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10272014.mp3
From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper along with Cheryl Hancock interview the Knesset Spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir today in Jerusalem regarding the two state issue and Israel's security at his office in the Knesset building.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday October 24, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10242014.mp3
From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Bruce Malone to talk about his speaking events as guest speaker for Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon events this week and his special presentation tonight at the Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Ontario, Oregon. (to learn more about his event, visit the web site of: http://figionline.com ). Also, Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe with Restore America to talk about the crucial November 4th election and about a nationwide event 'I Stand Sunday' regarding a Houston, Texas lesbian mayor issuing a soepena for Houston pastor's sermons ( a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution). More info. at the following web sites of: http://www.istandsunday.com and http://restoreamerica.org
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday October 23, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10232014.mp3 For the Thursday October 23, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10232014.mp3
From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Israel Police Superintendant and Spokesman Mr. Mickey Rosenfeld to talk about recent Moslem rioting on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and yesterday's Hamas terrorist attack on civilians in east Jerusalem. Also, Dr. Harper interviews Michael Bowman from Boise, Idaho to talk about Idaho's Governor Otter recent legal attempt to prevent homosexual marriages and also to discuss how to deal effectively in stopping or curtailing terrorism. For details about the latest terror attack in Jerusalem that Dr. Harper and Israel Police superintendant discussed, visit the following web site: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/186507#.VEk8k078LIW
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday October 22, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10222014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper gives an update on his visit to the Yad Vashem holocaust memorial and about a Hamas terrorist attack in east Jerusalem today and to discuss how to deal with terrorism. Other topics of interest are the Christian Newspaper Association and request to pray for Christian newspaper publishers worldwide for wisdom and financial blessings to support the printing of their Good News papers.Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday October 21, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10212014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Steven Peterson from Christian television TV18 Nampa, Idaho and TV20 from Salt Lake City, Utah to talk about Israel issues, the importance of the Christian vote, about a recent Carmen concert in Utah and a Christians United for Israel event there in Utah tonight. Dr. Harper also gives an update about his Israel visits. shares an update on his news reporter experiences in Jerusalem in the land of Israel. Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday October 20, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10202014.mp3 Dr. Harper shares an update on his news reporter experiences in Jerusalem in the land of Israel. Dr. Harper was able to share Christian church concerns today in his visits with Israel Government Press Office foreign press liason and the news reporter headquarters of Media Central.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday October 17, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10172014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Brent Carter of Boise, Idaho to talk about the Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon events with guest speaker Bruce Malone October 22-25 in Idaho and sharing an update on the Northwest Science Museum. Check out their web site at: http://www.figionline.com and the Northwest Science Museum web site at: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday October 16, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10162014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio and Allen Marsh of Nampa, Idaho to talk about the first issuance of homosexual marriage licenses in Idaho yesterday October 15.
Donations are still needed to cover airfare and housing expenses for Dr. Harper's trip to Israel to represent Christian concerns. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at the following web site by clicking on the 'Donate' banner ad: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday October 15, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10152014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation and about his experiences in Jerusalem, Israel to share Christian concerns and show support for Israel. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday October 14, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10142014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper is reporting from the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem event giving a travel expense update followed by a middle east update today by Mr. David Parsons of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday October 13, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10132014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper is reporting from the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem event and interviews event representatives Mr. David Parsons and Malcom Hedding. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday October 10, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10102014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper shares update on International Christian Embassy Jerusalem event today at En Gedi at the Dead Sea in Israel. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of:
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday October 9, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10092014.mp3 From Jerusalem, Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation and about his experiences in Jerusalem, Israel to share Christian concerns and show support for Israel. To learn more about Dr. Harper's Israel and White House experiences as a Christian news reporter and to support his current trip to Israel and the White House, go to following web site of: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/washingtondcjuly2012drharpertrip.php
For more information about the National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday October 8, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10082014.mp3 Dr. Harper arrives in Tel Aviv, Israel today October 8 and discusses the Feast of Tabernacles event and other news event he is attending to meet with Israeli officials, news reporters and other Christian leaders. Dr. Harper will be talking about the I.S.I.S. terror group and how 2Chronicles 7:14 can help with dealing with national terrorism.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Dr. Harper interviews Shirley Dobson, chairman of the National Day of Prayer to share her testimony and about her highlighted experiences here in Hollywood, California for our National Day of Prayer event called 'The Summons' - web site for more information is: http://www.hollywoodprayer.org. Dr. Harper also interviews National Day of Prayer Task Force director John Bornschein to share his experiences here at our Hollywood prayer event.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Dr. Harper interviews the Left Behind author Jerry B. Jenkins to talk about a new movie of Left Behind that airs Friday October 3rd at theaters nationwide based on the best selling Left Behind book series featuring Nicholas Cage playing the part of Rayford Steele. View the Left Behind movie web site at: http://www.leftbehindmovie.com. Dr. Harper also interview Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to talk about our experience here at the National Day of Prayer event in Hollywood called The Summons (web site: http://www.hollywoodprayer.org ). For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday October 1st, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH10012014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation and talk about our experience here at the National Day of Prayer event in Hollywood called The Summons (web site: http://www.hollywoodprayer.org ). Also, in today's broadcast, our IMCNews White House volunteer news reporter Mr. Frank Shelton joins Dr. Harper to share his experience and is joining Dr. Harper at this National Day of Prayer event in Hollywood. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday September 29th, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09292014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Allen Marsh of Nampa, Idaho and ex Marine David Bishop to talk about the I.S.I.S. terror group and how to deal with terror.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday September 25, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09252014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Alan Wymore of Wycliffe Translators to talk about the Genesis of Language who is is speaking in our Treasure Valley Idaho/Oregon area for events of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon who will be speaking Thursday September 25 at 7pm at Heritage Bible Church in Boise, Idaho and Friday September 26 at 7pm at Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Ontarion, Oregon. Brent Carter also joins Dr. Harper to share an update on the Northwest Science Museum. Check out their web site at: http://www.figionline.com. Check out the Northwest Science Museum web site at: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday September 24th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09242014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday September 23rd, 2014 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09232014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Steven Peterson of TV 20 Salt Lake City and TV18 Nampa, Idaho to talk about the upcoming Carman concert in Layton, Utah October 17 at the Christian Life Center there and to share about some other events and commentary. For more information about TV20 Salt Lake City, visit their web site at: http://www.tv20.tv
For more information about TV18 Nampa, Idaho, go to the following web site: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday September 22 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09222014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Brent Carter of Boise, Idaho to talk about his recent field trip experiences and upcoming events of Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon and sharing an update on the Northwest Science Museum. Check out their web site at: http://www.figionline.com. Check out the Northwest Science Museum web site at: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com
For the Friday September 19th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09192014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Michael Bowman from Boise, Idaho to talk about the U.S. Congress recent funding for Syrian rebels in opposing I.S.I.S. and his concerns about our nation. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday September 18th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09182014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Mark and Camila Hicks of Casper, Wyoming area to share political commentary and about home schooling issues. Also today is Patrick Klein from Vision Beyond Borders with head office in Bozeman, Montana to talk about their outreach ministry - their web site is http://www.visionbeyondborders.org. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday September 17th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09172014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday September 16 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radiobroadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09162014.mp3
Dr. Harper is interviewed on KUFR Christian radio out of Utah to talk about the InterMountain Christian News ministry and his upcoming IMCNews trip to Israel and the White House. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
Click on following KIVI Channel 6 Nampa, Idaho television news story about that trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBhLuLLXsZw&feature=youtu.be
For the Monday Septmber 15 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radiobroadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09152014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of American Minute to talk sharing a comparison of Mohammad and JESUS, terrorism of Moslem extremists and the history of Islam. Check out his web site at: http://www.americanminute.com
For the Thursday September 11th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09112014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio to share his response to President Obama's last night speech to the nation and to also share commentary on the appropriate strategy in dealing with terrorists. To listen to American Family Radio, go to their web site of: http://www.afr.net.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday September 10th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09102014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of: https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or
email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday September 8th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09082014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Allen Marsh of Nampa, Idaho to talk about protecting Israel from terrorism.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday September 5th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09052014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Chris Adamo from Wheatland, Wyoming to talk about the terror group Isis and other similar groups, the state of our nation and world. Chris is a great political commentator. Check out Chris Adamo's web site at: http://www.chrisadamo.com
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday September 4th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09042014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Steven Peterson of TV 20 Salt Lake City and TV18 Nampa, Idaho to talk about his concerns for Israel. For more information about TV20 Salt Lake City, visit their web site at: http://www.tv20.tv
For more information about TV18 Nampa, Idaho, go to the following web site: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php
For the Tuesday September 2nd InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH09022014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of:https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or email any questions to:prayer4ce@aol.com. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Friday August 29th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08292014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jeff Daly of National Day of Repentance to talk about the history of Israel regarding terrorism and repentance and how that applies to our current problems with terrorism. Visit their web site at : http://www.dayofrepentance.org
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Thursday August 28th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08282014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Allen Marsh of Nampa, Idaho to talk about the new liberalism and its effect on our American society.
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Wednesday August 27 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08272014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of:https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or email any questions to:prayer4ce@aol.com. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday August 26th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08262014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Barry Hultgren of the Christian Business Directory, headquarters in Fort Collins, Colorado to talk about the history of their directory and all about the services they offer and to share commentary on various issues of Christian concern. Check out their web site at: http://christianbusinessdirectoryonline.com
To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, listen 24/7 over your telephone by calling 712-432-5888 or to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday August 25th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08252014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Stan Lutz, the Curator of the Northwest Science Museum in Boise, Idaho to share the visiting hours, details about the museum and so much more. Check out their web site at: http://www.northwestsciencemuseum.com
For the Thursday August 21 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08212014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Eric Barger of Take A Stand Ministries to talk about the Yasidi group in Iraq that President Obama was seeking to rescue and about the terrorist group Isis in Iraq. Erick Barger is a guest speaker on apologetics and is speaking at the New Life Christian Center in Emmett, Idaho Sunday AM and PM services August 24. For more info about his ministry, visit his web site at: http://ericbarger.com
For the Wednesday August 20 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08202014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of:https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or email any questions to:prayer4ce@aol.com. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Tuesday August 19 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radiobroadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08192014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews William Federer of American Minute to talk about terrorism of Moslem extremists and the history of Islam. Check out his web site at: http://www.americanminute.com
For the Monday August 18 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08182014.mp3
Dr. Harper interviews Music Artist and Writer Mr. Bill Gaither. Mr. Gaither shares his testimony, how he got involved writing music, how he met his wife, about their aither Vocal Band events and their other music events. Visit Mr. Gaither's web site at: http://www.gaither.com
For the Thursday August 14 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08142014.mp3
Dr. Harper replays his August 13 interview with Russ Howell from Utah to talk about the Our Godly American Heritage web site that was started by Dr. Chuck Seldon from Boise, Idaho. The web site is http://www.ourgodlyamericanheritage.com. The second half of the program today is Dr. Harper's interview with Pastor Paul Lackay of the Living Faith Baptist Church in Shelby, Montana who shares commentary on state of our nation and world issues. View the Living Faith Baptist Church web site at: http://www.livingfaithshelby.org
For the Wednesday August 13 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08132014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about prayer and share events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their Facebook address of:https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or email any questions to:prayer4ce@aol.com. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.phpFor the
Tuesday August 12 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/JonathanChanICN121212.mp3
This is a past broadcast (12/12/2012) of Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jonathan Cahn, author of book 'The Harbinger' to talk about the state of America
and a comparison to the problems of Israel. For more information about Pastor Cahn and 'The Harbinger,' go to the following web site: http://www.theharbinger-jonathancahn.com
For the Monday August 11 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: ttp://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08112014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Steven Peterson of TV 20 Salt Lake City and TV18 Nampa, Idaho to talk about his recent Israel trip with a group of pastors. For more information about TV20 Salt Lake City, visit their web site at: http://www.tv20.tv
For more information about TV18 Nampa, Idaho, go to the following web site: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/kclptv18nampaidaho.php
For the Friday August 8th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08082014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders of Bozeman, Montanato talk about Christian responsibility to evangelism in sharing The Gospel. Later in the program, Dr. Harper replays his previous interviews with painter Thomas Kinkade and television actor Kirk Cameron. For more information about Vision Beyond Borders, go to the following web site of: http://www.visionbeyondborders.org
For the Thursday August 7th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08072014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Becky Lyles of the Idaho Christian Fiction Writers group in Boise, Idaho to talk about their group and the national Christian Fiction Writersgroup. Later on in this program, Dr. Harper interviews Christian fiction writer Jerry Jenkins who is the co-author of the well known 'Left Behind' novels (this is a past broadcast from January 5, 2011). For more information about the Idaho Christian Fiction Writers, go to their web site of: http://idahopewriters.org
For the Wednesday August 6th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08062014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Gina Gibson of the National Day of Prayer Mountain States to comment about events in our intermountain area and our nation. For more information about their National Day of Prayer Mountain States, go to their acebook address of:https://www.facebook.com/ndpmtn or email any questions to: prayer4ce@aol.com. To learn more about the IMCNews Hour internet radio broadcast, to download the newspaper and to help support our intermountain area's only grassroots Christian newspaper, go to the following web site and click on the 'Donate' button: http://www.imcnews.org/paper/intermountainchristiannewshour.php
For the Monday August 4th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH08042014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Michael Bowman of Boise, Idaho to talk about how Christians need to be more responsible and fulfill their constitutional duty in being an informed voter. Restore America has a web site for Christians to learn how they and their church can be more involved - check out their web site at: http://www.restoreamerica.org
For the Thursday July 31st InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07312014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Pastor Jay Meyer of the Cheyenne Vineyard Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming to discuss church concerns in Wyoming and nationally and to share other commentary regarding the state of our nation. Go to their following web site to learn more about Cheyenne Vineyard: http://www.cheyennevineyard.com
For the Tuesday July 29 InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download:http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07292014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews David Crowe of Restore America web site http://restoreamerica.org where Pastors, Churches and all Christians can find resources about this November 4th election.
For the Thursday July 24th InterMountain Christian News Hour internet radio broadcast, go to following web site link to download: http://www.imcnews.org/downloads/audio/IMCNH07242014.mp3 Dr. Harper interviews Chaim and Ruti Singerman of the Jerusalem Hills Inn near Jerusalem in Israel in the city of Abu Gosh to talk about their experiences in Israel with an update on life in Israel and about the war in Gaza. Chaim and Ruti have a wonderful bed and breakfast for people to stay at while visiting Israel. Check out their web site at: http://www.jerusalemhillsinn.com.
Click on 'Donate' button below to make your tax deductible donation in support of our Good News internet radio broadcast and printed newspaper:
Our radio program is now broadcast via audionow.com and you can listen to our radio program on your telephone 24/7 by calling 712-432-5888.
Our internet radio broadcast is usually updated Monday-Friday by 6:00PM Mountain Standard Time.
Consider supporting our InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program. Please call (208) 703-8688 for more detailed information and to make your pledge. All donations are tax deductible to our non profit 501 c3 newspaper ministry. You can also make your donations online by clicking on our 'Donate' utton below:
03/30/2011 Click here to download Chris Kelly interview with Dr. Harper regarding his testimony, false teacher Emergent Church issues and their influence at Christian schools and the Christian church at large.
IMCNews Publisher Note:You are welcome to call in to our program to share your upcoming Christianeventinformation, testimony or other Christian information that you see will be helpful for others to know about). In the near future, we plan to syndicate our program to be broadcast 'live' or 'delay' on radio stations in our six state Inter Mountain areas of Colorado, southern Idaho, Montana, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, Utah and Wyoming (our broadcast area will eventually serve a population base of over 4 million people).
Some of our radio programs are currently archived on the internet to listen to24/7(to obtain mp3 CDs of all our radio programs, one must be a business sponsor to our printed paper. Click here for some of our archived radio programs.The IMCNews hour is an outreach ministry of the Treasure Valley/InterMountain Christian News and hosted by Dr. Anthony Harper with his co host Alan Jones.
During the Inter Mountain Christian News Hour there are hot news stories locally and nationally from a Christian perspective, testimonies from Inter Mountain pastors and from well known Christians in the entertainment, music and sports fields.To sponsor our newspaper, go online: ttp://www.imcnews.org/paper/support.phpThe foundation (ROCK) of our radio program and our printed newspaperisJESUS!Check out our ‘Who is JESUS’ page on our web site: ttp://www.imcnews.org/paper/whoisJESUS.php.
Our radio program is now broadcast via audionow.com and you can listen toour radio program from this web site page or on your telephone 24/7 by calling 712-432-5888. OurRadioprogram on KSPD has been cancelled for now, but do hope to start up again either on KSPD or another local radio station.Consider supporting our InterMountain Christian News Hour radio program. Please call (208) 703-8688 for more detailed information and to make your pledge. All donations are tax deductible to our non profit 501 c3 newspaper ministry. You can also make your donations online by clicking on our 'Donate' button below: