Passover and Modern-Day Genocide

Watch IMCNews reporter Dr. Harper interview with Prime Minister Hudayar by clicking on picture above.

Prime Minister Salih Hudayar is in Washington, DC, and is available to speak on the genocide in East Turkistan, (renamed Xinjiang)

Soon the Jewish community will celebrate the festival of Passover. They will commemorate how their ancestors, brutally imprisoned by one of the ancient world's superpowers, were rescued from their terrible predicament.

Some three and a half millennia have since passed, writes Marie van der Zyl, president at the Board of Deputies of British Jewish. "But there is still an ironclad obligation for the Jewish people, in every generation, to recount the words of the Passover Seder ceremony: 'We were slaves to Pharoah in Egypt, and the Lord, our God, took us out from there with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm.'"

Recently, the Netherlands joined the US and Canada in declaring that the Chinese Government is in the midst of committing genocide against the Uyghurs and other ethnic minority groups of East Turkistan.

It is in this spirit that it is important to recognize that Uyghur Muslims are facing genocide and support the world's promise of "Never Again."

Prime Minister Salih Hudayar of the East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE), the democratically elected official body for East Turkistan (renamed Xinjiang), was born to an Uyghur business family in Atush, East Turkistan. He studied International Studies and Politics at the University of Oklahoma and was a member of the Army National Guard from 2011-2013. He is currently pursuing a Master's in National Security Studies from the American Military University. He fled to the United States with his family, in June of 2000, where they became political refugees.

Mr. Hudayar is in Washington, DC, and is available to comment on the atrocities in his homeland, East Turkistan (renamed Xinjiang).

Watch Mr. Hudayar's recent interview on WDVM TV

FOX News coverage of ETGE's protest ifo US State Department - March 18, 2021

CNN finds stranded Uyghur children in China - March 25, 2021

In an internationally coordinated campaign, the US, UK, and Canada recently joined the European Union in slapping sanctions on Chinese officials and entities involved in the genocide on the Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan, including the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp paramilitary.

Watch IMCNews reporter Dr. Harper interview with Prime Minister Hudayar by clicking on picture above.

Contact: Maria Sliwa,, 202-750-1684