InterMountain Christian News Legal Update
Farm Bureau Insurance of Idaho and their attorneys Rod Saetrum and Ryan Peck Deprive Injured Veteran of Help
by Rev. M. Anthony Harper, Ph.D., IMCNews Publisher
Farm Bureau Insurance Company of Idaho and their attorneys Rodney Saetrum and Ryan Peck of Saetrum Law Office in Boise, Idaho were parties against me in this legal case along with Judge Dennis Goff and Judge Richard Greenwood.

Pictured above (right): Plaintiff IMCNews publisher and Veteran M. Anthony Harper sharing his Christian testimony on DayStar Television, Denver, Colorado on March 18, 2010. To watch this video on YouTube, visit the following web site:
The Idaho Judicial Council after repeated requests for a new trial regarding religious discrimination issues, continues to deny me a fair trial. Pray that they will be responsible and grant a new and fair trial soon.
Summary of the issues:
Even though I had overwhelming medical evidence showing a brain injury from this auto accident, Farm Bureau Insurance Company of Idaho attorneys Rod Saetrum and Ryan Peck of Boise, Idaho used an InterMountain Christian News video and web site testimony with details of my Christian faith (that included criticism of homosexuality) to discredit my testimony. The presiding Judges in this case were Dennis Goff and Richard Greenwood who allowed this discriminatory evidence in trial to stand.
Idaho Law regarding use of evidence follows - Pursuant to Idaho Rules of Evidence 403:
Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. (Adopted January 8, 1985, effective July 1, 1985)
Attorney Ryan Peck of Boise, Idaho also abused his use of influence in the above matter by misleading the Idaho Transportation Department Drivers Services Manager Mr. Edward Pemble to violate the rule of law, stating that I should not have driving privileges unless his attorney fees were paid. A Judge in this matter found Ryan Peck in violation of the rule of law in this matter and my drivers license was restored.
Pray that Farm Bureau Insurance Company of Idaho will be responsible and provide adequate compensation for my auto accident injuries and for justice regarding two additional Idaho attorneys Susan Mimura of Meridian and Randy French of Boise who initiated actions against me.
Please help defend my cause for justice!
To contact Boise attorneys Rod Saetrum and Ryan Peck with your complaint:
Saetrum Law Offices
3046 S. Bown Way
Boise, Idaho 83706
Telephone: (208) 336-0484
Facsimile: (208) 336-0448
To voice your complaint about this above issue, call Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho, call Toll free 1-888-432-4527 or (208) 237-2038
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho
275 Tierra Vista Dr
PO Box 4848
Pocatello ID 83205-4848
To voice your complaint with the Idaho Judicial Council regarding Judge Dennis Goff and Judge Richard Greenwood discriminatory behavior:
P.O. Box 1397
Boise, Idaho 83701
Phone: (208) 334-5213
Fax: (208) 334-2253
To read my personal testimony online, visit my music web site at:
Copyright 2016 (may not be printed without permisssion)
Treasure Valley Christian News
d.b.a. 'Intermountain Christian News'
Mail: P.O. Box 1829 - Boise, ID 83701
Telephone (208) 703-8688