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Idaho Values Alliance
Idaho Chooses Life
Biblical Worldview Learning Center
Keep The Commandments Boise

Monday February 6, 2006
Bryan Fischer, Executive Director
Idaho Values Alliance

Cornerstone Institute of Idaho and the ACLU will jointly sponsor a debate on Idaho's marriage amendment this Thursday night. The debate will take place in the Summit Room of the Boise Centre on the Grove, beginning at 7 PM.

Jack van Valkenburgh will represent the ACLU, which supports gay marriage, polygamy, and the legalization of prostitution and pornography. Glenn Stanton, a family policy expert from Focus on the Family, will defend natural marriage and the marriage amendment.

The debate will be moderated by Jim Weatherby, a sociology professor from BSU.

Planned Parenthood, funded by well-heeled liberal women from the Boise area, has opened a once-a-month "clinic" in Nampa, near Nampa High School. PP will operate this "clinic" on the first Saturday of each month at the Applebaum Family Health Center located at 924 12th Ave.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Bryan Fischer, Executive Director
Idaho Values Alliance

(Note: Please forward this to friends and family members around the state.)
The marriage amendment will be heard by the House State Affairs Committee this Thursday, February 2, at 8:00 AM in the Gold Room, located on the 4th floor of the Capitol.
You are urged to come and give testimony. This is an example of the rare privilege we have in our form of government of expressing our wishes in a public setting directly to legislators who establish public policy for our state.
Testimony will likely be limited to three minutes. You are encouraged to bring a written copy of your testimony if you'd like, which will become a part of the record. You may also bring copies to distribute to each of the 18 members of the Committee.
Please let me know if you plan to attend and give testimony. And if you'd like some suggestions or some aid in preparing testimony, we'd be glad to help.
If you have not communicated directly with your two state representatives, it is imperative that you do so right away. It is likely that this bill, if it passes out of committee on Thursday, will be voted on by the entire House early next week. Your representatives need to hear from you now.
You may write an email (be brief, just two or three sentences), or simply call the Capitol switchboard and leave a simple message for your representative: "Please vote for the marriage amendment."
Please copy Assistant Majority Leader Lawerence Denney on all emails, and ask for a copy of your phone messages to be placed in his box. His email address is ldenney@house.idaho.gov.
Phone: (208) 332-1000 (Boise area)
Toll-free: (800) 626-0471 (Outside Boise area)
To identify your legislators:
Idaho State Legislature - Who's My Legislator?
To send an email directly to your legislator:
Idaho State Legislature - How To Contact Legislators
General email: idleginfo@lso.idaho.gov
(If you use this email address, be sure to include the name of your representative in the subject line, and your full name, street address, telephone number, and email address in the body of the email.)
Idaho Legislature on the Internet:

Wednesday November 9,2005
From Rev. Bryan Fischer
Co-director Keep The Commandments Coalition


Despite running a well-planned and well-executed campaign that mobilized dozens and dozens of volunteers, Brandi Swindell was defeated yesterday in her bid to unseat Boise City Council incumbent Maryanne Jordan.

Brandi knew going into the race that, despite the fact she had articulated positions on the dozen issues the city will face in the near future, the opposition would try to tag her as a one-issue candidate and a religious zealot. These were the themes in many of the letters to the editor that appeared in the Idaho Statesman in the run-up to the election. A five-week campaign probably just did not give her quite enough time to overcome that perception.

On the plus side, Jerome Mapp, who was the president of the council when the Ten Commandments monument was removed from Julia Davis Park, lost his seat to Jim Tibbs, who was openly critical of the council's failure to listen to its citizens during that controversy. Our congratulations to Mr. Tibbs, who should make a fine city councilman.

Wednesday October 26, 2005 - 7:00 PM
From Rev. Bryan Fischer
Co-director Keep The Commandments Coalition
Boise City Election Candidate Forum - The Boise Public Library
A forum for all Boise City candidates, sponsored by the Idaho Statesman and the Idaho League of Women Voters, will be held at 7 PM Wednesday at the Boise Library. The public is invited - a FREE event.
For further information regarding Boise City Elections, click here
or call the Boise City Clerk at (208) 384-3710 or contact via e-mail: amooney@cityofboise.org.

Thursday, September 29, 2005
From Rev. Bryan Fischer
Co-director Keep The Commandments Coalition


As you may have heard by now, Brandi Swindell has filed for a seat on the Boise City Council. She will be challenging Maryanne Jordan for the seat to which she was appointed two years ago.

Brandi has served with me as the co-director of the Keep the Commandments Coalition and is also the national director of the non-profit organization, Generation Life.

You will probably hear Brandi tagged as a single-issue candidate, but you will find this is far from the truth. Brandi has been researching the dozen or so major issues that will come before the city council in the future, and talking with community leaders about the needs the city faces and intelligent solutions for them.

You will find that she will have clearly articulated positions on such things as forced annexation, infill development, the transition of Community House to the Boise Rescue Mission, leapfrog development, and even the widening of Ustick Road.

Brandi's position, of course, on defending the Judeo-Christian tradition and its role in public life is clear. The one thing you will be able to count on with Brandi is that her positions will be clear, be values- and principles- based, and that she will stand unapologetically for what she believes is best and right for the city of Boise.

Brandi will hold a press conference tomorrow at 10:00 AM in front of city hall, and you are invited to attend.

Tuesday, September 26, 2005
From Rev. Bryan Fischer
Co-director Keep The Commandments Coalition


Our attorney, Christ Troupis, who has done such a masterful job representing us, informed me yesterday that our state supreme court will hear oral arguments on our Ten Commandments case at the very end of November or early in December.

As you remember, we collected almost 19,000 thousand signatures last summer to place an initiative on the ballot that would give Boise citizens the opportunity to decide for themselves whether or not they want a Ten Commandments display in Julia Davis Park. Mayor Bieter and the city council, including Jerome Mapp and Maryanne Jordan, who are standing for re-election in November, blocked the right of the people to vote on this initiative. We anticipate that our state supreme court will rule in our favor and order the city to hold an election on our duly qualified initiative.

You might be thinking now about planning to attend the day oral arguments are offered. I'll give you more specific details as the day draws closer.


A conservative candidate, who supports the values of the Keep the Commandments Coalition, will file on Thursday to challenge Maryanne Jordan for her seat on the Boise City Council. We'll release the candidate's name in an email update to you on Thursday afternoon. Plan to attend a press conference in Friday morning at 10 AM in front of Boise City Hall if you can.


Ken Ham, the featured speaker at this weekend's Answers in Genesis conference (hosted by the Vineyard on Sunday-Tuesday evenings, October 2-4) was profiled in a lengthy piece in the Washington Post yesterday. You may read the article at:


A study released by the Pew Foundation yesterday indicated that less than 25% of Americans believe in classic Darwinism today. The American people are hungry for intelligent alternatives to the theory of evolution, and they believe in freedom of academic expression, freedom of academic inquiry, and freedom of speech. Why don't educators?


The Judeo-Christian tradition clearly prohibits sexual intimacy between in-laws, as Leviticus 18 & 20 make clear. This prohibition is renewed in the New Testament, where the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:1, "It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: A man has his father's wife."

We've often pointed out that if the biblical paradigm of marriage is set aside, there is no logical place to stop. People will press to legitimize any and all unions. Now, according to the Manchester Evening News, a man is seeking to legalize a marriage to his own mother-in-law (they have been living together for 12 years). This follows a decision by the European Court of Human Rights in favor of a man who wants to marry his daughter-in-law, with whom he has been living since 1996. In this particular relationship, the woman's son calls her partner "dad" even though he is in fact his grandfather.

All this is further evidence that we need to give marriage in Idaho maximum protection by the passage of an amendment to our state constitution.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
From Rev. Bryan Fischer
Co-director, Keep The Commandments Coalition


Gay marriage will definitely be on the agenda for our state legislature in its next session, which begins in January. An amendment to our state constitution will be proposed, which will define marriage in Idaho as the union of one man and one woman, and will prohibit recognition of counterfeits such as civil unions. It most likely will be presented first in the House. (It started in the Senate last year, where it failed by three votes on the Senate floor.) Begin planning now to contact your state representatives and your state senator. We'll give you more information as we draw closer to the opening of the legislature.


Although there are no perfect candidates (the only possible perfect candidate lived on earth 2000 years ago, and we saw what the public did to him!), we believe we will be able to offer two candidates for Boise city council who will provide clear alternatives to Jerome Mapp and Maryanne Jordan, especially on the Ten Commandments issue and the right of the people to vote. Jim Tibbs, the former interim police chief, has already entered the race against Jerome Mapp, and has made his position clear. We are confident that we will soon be able to inform you of a candidate who will provide a clear alternative to Ms. Jordan.

As I mentioned last week, the KCC intends to produce voter information literature that will give Boise citizens the information they need to make an informed choice on November 8. We hope to distribute this literature door to door in key areas of Boise, and to mail the literature to everyone who signed our Ten Commandments petition. Because this is an off-year election, voter turnout is critical.

This is where you can help. We need donations from concerned citizens to cover the cost of printing the material and the cost of mailing it out. Since we are an all-volunteer organization, every dollar will go directly into the hard costs of getting this information printed and delivered.

We also urge you to join us on three Saturdays in October (the 8th, 22nd, and 29th) to go out with other members of the Coalition and drop this voter information literature on doorstep after doorstep. We'll meet each of those Saturdays at 10 AM. We'll let you know where. Our resident mapmeister, Glen Liberty, is already at work preparing maps for you and your other team members. Together, I believe we have the capacity to see that councilmen who represent our views are placed in office.

Please consider a donation to the Keep the Commandments Coalition (donations, by the way, are not tax-deductible even though we are a non-profit organization). You can donate online by going to our website Keep The Commandments Coalition or by mailing them to:

PO Box 140031
Boise, ID 83714

Saturday, September 10, 2005
Rev. Bryan Fischer
Senior Pastor, Community Church of the Valley
Co-director, Keep the Commandments Coalition
Keep The Commandments Coalition
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)


President Bush has proclaimed next Friday, September 16, as a Day of Prayer for our nation as we respond to the Hurricane Katrina crisis. A one-hour prayer vigil will be held on the Capitol steps here in Boise from noon to 1 PM on that day. Please come if you can, as we seek forgiveness and favor from God for the victims and for our nation. The bulk of the time will be spent in prayer, not in speechifying.

Gary Bauer reported yesterday that 31 elderly infirmed residents of a nursing home were found dead in their rooms. Employees of the nursing home had abandoned them, leaving them to fend for themselves. Evidence indicates that they made efforts to block the rising floodwaters by pushing furniture up against the doors of their rooms. Our prayer session next Friday must and will include time for repentance for our own sins and for the sins of our nation.

(Note: Please consider forwarding this to your pastor. If he would like to take advantage of this opportunity, encourage him to email me at bryan@ccvboise.com.)

Dear Pastor,

We are all aware of what is at stake as the United States Senate begins hearings on President Bush's nomination of John Roberts to be the next chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The secular left has advanced its agenda over the last 40 years primarily through activist judges.

Virtually no gain the left has made over that time could have been made through legislatures. Our elected representatives know they are accountable to the people who put them in office, and this serves as a check on the advance of a left-leaning agenda. Judges, however, feel no similar restraint, and time after time have ignored the plain meaning of the Constitution and the law in issuing their rulings.

Through judicial activism at the Supreme Court level, we have seen prayer and Bible reading removed from schools, the Ten Commandments stripped from classroom and courtroom walls, abortion on demand treated as a constitutional right, the creation of homosexual marriages, and the relentless restriction of religious expression and speech.


The Family Research Council is offering a daily debriefing exclusively for pastors over the next week (Monday through Thursday, Sept. 12-15) via telephone conference call. Each night at 5 PM our time (4 PM in N. Idaho), for about 30 minutes, the president of FRC (Tony Perkins) and his senior staffers will offer their perspective on what has happened that day. They will attend the hearings, and thus be able to offer us insightful commentary as those who share our deepest values and convictions. FRC has established a 1-800 number for this call, so there is no cost to you to participate.

If you would like to participate, email me at bryan@ccvboise.com (or if you are receiving this email directly, simply reply) and I will give you the phone number and password so that you may join the conference call each night or as often as you are able.

Yours for the King and the kingdom,
Rev. Bryan Fischer
Senior Pastor, Community Church of the Valley
Co-director, Keep the Commandments Coalition


A federal judge decided late this week that a Ten Commandments monument, in place since 1956, can remain on the Gibson County (Indiana) Courthouse lawn. He ruled that it meets the test set by the U.S. Supreme Court this summer. The ACLU, which brought the suit, will not appeal. Speculation is that the ACLU's decision was based on the reality that changes at the Supreme Court level make the success of an appeal unlikely.

This again shows us in Boise what could have happened had our mayor and city council had the courage to stand their ground against a hate-monger who lives in Topeka, Kansas. Boise residents will have an opportunity in November to send a signal to Jerome Mapp and Maryanne Jordan, city council members who voted to remove our monument. Former interim police-chief Jim Tibbs is running against Mr. Mapp. Although the window of opportunity is closing, the chances are high that are a good candidate will step forward to challenge Ms. Jordan.


I informed you last week that the Ada County Highway District has issued a zero-tolerance policy for any employees who question its decision to endorse transsexualism on the job. Brazos County was forced to arrest a 20-year old transgendered Hurricane Katrina victim, who was born a male, for showering inside the women's bathroom at the Reed Arena shelter. This naturally created a great deal of discomfort among the female evacuees who were using the same facility.

This illustrates the confusion that results when we set aside the clear teaching of Scripture that God has created us "male and female."

Tuesday, September 6, 2005
From: Rev. Bryan Fischer, Co-director
Keep The Commandments Coalition


U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia struck a blow for judicial restraint yesterday when he criticized "judge moralists" for trying to decide social issues not directly addressed in the Constitution, such as abortion, gay rights, and assisted suicide. He questioned "the sanity of having.value-laden decision[s]. made for the entire society . by unelected judges," rather than by Congress or state legislatures who are accountable to the electorate.

He also criticized the concept of a "living Constitution," and the senate's search for "moderate" justices. "Now the Senate is looking for moderate judges, mainstream judges. What in the world is a moderate interpretation of a constitutional text? Halfway between what it says and what we'd like it to say?"

The reality is that the Constitution, like every other written text including the Bible, either means what is authors intended it to mean, or it can mean anything you want it to. We need judges who understand that, and who will grasp the original intent of the Founders and make that understanding the basis for their rulings on the Constitution.

Hearings on John Roberts nomination to be chief justice have now been rescheduled and will start next Monday, September 12.


We in the pro-family community vigorously oppose embryonic stem cell research because it requires the destruction of human life. (This is in contrast to adult stem cell research, which is morally benign since adult stem cells are obtained from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, and even nasal passages.)

A leading scientist (Lord Winston) who pushed for embryonic stem cell research in Britain is now warning that the challenges facing such research are so huge that any cures for disease are in the distant future. He said, "I view the current wave of optimism about embryonic stem cells with growing suspicion," because embryos show a marked propensity to produce abnormal chromosomes. "We may have oversold this subject a bit too much."

This caution is in striking contrast to the proven success of adult stem cell research. Stem cells are already being used clinically to treat over 60 diseases, while not one single therapeutic use has yet been found for embryonic stem cells.

The full article about Lord Winston can be found at:



The old media has been relentlessly trumpeting the accusation that what they perceive as a sluggish response to Katrina is motivated by racism. They probably won't tell you about black truck driver Joseph Brant, who lost his apartment in the flood. The help he has received came from Caucasians, and their response removed his lifelong distrust of whites. "Before this whole thing I had a complex about white people; this thing changed me forever."


Meanwhile, the president of the American Atheists organization condemned both President Bush and Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco for their public appeals for the American people to pray. They "should not be violating the Constitution by telling people to pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina."

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
From: Rev. Bryan Fischer, Co-director
Keep The Commandments Coalition


Governor Kempthorne is urging school-age children in south and western Idaho to take a day off school - on Monday, September 12 - to attend a special two-hour session with the Dalai Lama when he visits Sun Valley.

The press release refers to the Dalai Lama seven times as "His Holiness," and indicates that he will "bestow a special blessing" on the school-age children who attend. According to the governor's spokesman, this blessing involves scarves that children give to the Dalai Lama, who apparently blesses them in some way and then returns them to the children.

The Dalai Lama is the spiritual as well as temporal leader of the Tibetan people. He is considered to be the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama and the incarnation of the Buddha of Compassion.

Parents raising children in the Judeo-Christian tradition will perhaps want to steer their children away from this event, particularly because of its spiritual overtones. If there are no spiritual realities, then of course a blessing can neither do harm nor good. But if there are spiritual realities, and not all of them are friendly, then a blessing received from a spiritual leader can actually be harmful to spiritual health if it does not proceed from the God revealed in Judeo-Christian teaching.

You can read the governor's press release at:



The Governor has done us a favor here by indicating that it is appropriate for parents to take their children out of school for a day to attend a special event, even if that event has a spiritual component.

What Idaho parents might want to think about, as an alternative to sending their children to an audience with the Dalai Lama, is to give them a morning or afternoon off school to attend the Students Meetings that are part of the Answers in Genesis conference to be held in Boise at Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 4950 Bradley, on Monday, October 3.

A morning session will be held that day designed for kids K-6 ("Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel"), and an afternoon session, entitled "Teaching Students to Defend the Christian Faith," is designed for grades 7-12. This seminar will help equip our students to defend the scientific credibility of the account of creation found in the Judeo-Christian tradition, preserved for us in the early chapters of Genesis. Student groups of 25 or more must register in advance. Both the Family Conference and the Student Meetings are free. Students must be accompanied by a parent or teachers.


The theory of evolution is continuing to crumble. Four hundred scientists recently signed a document which rejects the Darwinian explanation of evolutionary change through natural selection and genetic mutation. Even the president is calling for both sides of this issue to be presented in classrooms. This conference is a strategic opportunity for local students and citizens to become more equipped to engage in private and public discussion of this critical issue.

The AiG Family Conference evening sessions are for youth (11 & up) and adults. It will be held at the same location (Vineyard Christian Fellowship) on October 2-4, 2005. This is always a popular conference, so arrive early to be assured of seating.

More information about this conference and the Student Meetings can be found by calling (208) 376-3966 or by going to http://www.answersingenesis.org/events.

Monday, August 01, 2005
From Rev. Bryan Fischer, Co-director
Keep The Commandments Coalition


Judge Duff McKee today denied our friends’ appeal of their conviction for peacefully protesting the removal of the Ten Commandments monument from Julia Davis Park. Our friends had argued that the city’s actions in removing the monument were illegal since the city did not follow its own municipal code in their actions. Municipal code requires the city, when it disposes of valuable “surplus” property, to put the property up for bid. This is the process the city has followed to the letter in seeking to dispose of Community House, but completely ignored in the case of the monument.

However, Judge McKee ruled in favor of the city, essentially saying that whether the city’s actions were legal or not was irrelevant to our friends’ defense. Our friends will take some time to decide whether they'll pursue a further appeal.


Judge McKee did acknowledge in passing the lack of spine on the city’s part by saying that, in removing the monument to avoid a possible lawsuit, the city was “ducking, bobbing, and weaving” in trying to evade the empty threat of Fred Phelps, the gay-hating preacher from Topeka, Kansas. Such actions provide a sad contrast to the courage and forthrightness of Mayor Tom Dale of Nampa and Mayor Garrett Nancolas of Caldwell, both of whom told Mr. Phelps to take a hike and haven’t heard from him since. And both cities still have their Ten Commandments monuments in place, right where they have been for decades.

Friday, July 22, 2005
From Rev. Bryan Fischer, Co-director
Keep The Commandments Coalition


I’ve held off for three days before offering any thoughts on the president’s nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court, in an effort to get as much information about him as possible. Despite some potentially problematic statements Roberts has made, every single major pro-family and pro-life group - from Focus on the Family, to the Family Research Council, to the ACLJ, to the American Family Association, etc. - has gone public with ringing endorsements.

Those in D.C. who know Judge Roberts the best are absolutely confident that he will exercise judicial authority in the mode of Justices Thomas and Scalia, and that his appointment is a “home run” for those of us who believe in judicial restraint. Brandi Swindell, my co-director here at the KCC and national director of Generation Life, is equally enthusiastic. They are confident that he is an originalist who will refuse to legislate from the bench. Let’s hope that they are right.


I’ve held off primarily in order to seek clarification of what Judge Roberts said at his confirmation hearing for the D.C. appellate court in 2003. Then, he said that he considered Roe v. Wade to be “the settled law of the land,” and “there's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent.” This is confusing at best, and alarming at worst. The last thing we need on the Supreme Court is another judge unwilling to re-examine Roe v. Wade, a justice who puts recent precedent ahead of the plain guarantee in the Constitution itself that every American has the “right to life.”

But I am assured by people in position to know that Judge Roberts only said that because he was being considered for a lower court position, and that his statement does not express his true assessment of Roe v. Wade. It nevertheless is troubling that we are being asked to believe that he in reality believes the opposite of what he said the only time he has addressed the subject in a judicial capacity.


When he served President Reagan as deputy solicitor general, he co-signed a brief which said, “We continue to believe that Roe was wrongly decided and should be overruled.” Further, the brief says that the view “that there is a fundamental right to abortion … finds no support in the text, structure, or history of the Constitution.”

This sounds terrific until we discover that he said this at his 2003 confirmation hearing, when pressed on whether the brief represented his personal convictions on the matter: “There is a long standing tradition in our country … that the positions a lawyer presents on behalf of a client should not be ascribed to that lawyer as his personal beliefs or his personal positions.”

So once again we are placed in the odd position of being asked to believe that a readiness to overturn Roe v. Wade does in fact represent his personal position, despite words he himself spoke just two short years ago.


If this is, as a friend told me, simply the way you have to play the game to get ahead in D.C., and these things are said with a wink and a nod, then that says something even more troubling about the political climate in the nation’s capitol.

It appears highly likely that he will be confirmed, and that the confirmation hearings will leave us with little more information about his view of Roe v. Wade than we have now. The truth is that we most likely will not know if Judge Roberts is truly a constitutionalist until he participates in his first decision of social and moral importance. Let us hope and pray that he will reward the confidence our pro-family friends are placing in him.

July 19, 2005
Idaho Pro-Life Review by David Riply of Idaho Chooses Life


State Attorney General Lawrence Wasden filed a "Motion for Reconsideration" with Judge Winmill on Friday, July 15th. The supporting memo relies heavily upon an important U.S. Supreme Court decision rebuking federal judges who struck down an entire Utah law because they some of it unconstitutional. The Supreme Court overturned judicial activism in Leavitt v. Jane L., declaring that "severability is of course a matter of state law".

The Idaho Legislature has repeatedly declared its intent that courts sever any portions of our Parental Consent Law they found offensive - while preserving as much of the law as possible. That is how we came to have an effective Parental Consent Law during the years 2000 - 2004.

It is foolish to think that this fight to protect our daughters is going to be easy. We face a tenacious, well-financed opposition in the form of the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and their numerous friends on the federal bench.

Are we - who have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives - to be any less dedicated in our defense of God's little ones?

Our need for your help and support at this crucial hour is clear. Prayers and money are crucial in the next couple weeks. The answer you give is between you and the Lord. But we at Idaho Chooses Life will continue to do our utmost to be faithful to meeting the Enemy, trusting in Him to meet our needs.


Readers of the Idaho Statesman may remember an exchange earlier this year of Guest Opinions between former Governor Cecil Andrus and ICL Executive Director David Ripley on the issue of Andrus' supposed "pro-Life" value system. Andrus claimed he was pro-Life - and that Republicans were guilty of mischaracterizing the views of Idaho Democrats on this crucial issue.

Ripley countered by briefly reviewing Andrus' signature on a bill repealing Idaho's "Trigger Law" - which would have automatically restored protections for preborn children on the day Roe is abandoned.

Andrus also made history by vetoing HB625 in 1990.

The above quote from the state's leading Democrat could have been said by any number of rabid pro-aborts - from Hillary Clinton to John Kerry to Howard Dean. In fact, it has been! The more one ponders the idea of being "pro-Life" while defending a woman's right to choose to kill that baby - the more meaningless and manipulative such claims appear.

We've long known that Cecil Andrus would never have an abortion. But such comments expose Andrus as part of the middle-aged, male class of elites who form the backbone of support for legalized abortion.


In the bid to take Butch Otter's place in Congress, former state senator Sheila Sorensen is off to the strongest start. In a campaign filing due last week, only Sorensen has filed a campaign finance report - suggesting that other candidates have not yet broken the $5,000 threshold.

Sorensen, by contrast, reports raising $47,845 as of June 30th.

Sorensen distinguished herself in the Idaho Legislature as a leader of the Feminist Agenda - championing abortion rights and working to advance the interests of the Gay Rights community.

Her early campaign donors include the American Medical Association and House Speaker Bruce Newcomb.

While her record and personal views are anathema to most mainstream Republicans, her personal wealth and the support of powerful friends like Newcomb guarantee that Sorensen will be a contender for the 1st District nomination.

Wednesday, May 5, 2005
by Rev. Bryan Fischer
Keep The Commandments Coalition

We may have to send a thank you note to the Idaho Atheists for serving as the Publicity Committee for the National Day of Prayer. Although forced by a federal judge to move the location (despite the fact the prayer event had taken place at the same place at the same time on the same date for 15 years – talk about “first come, first served!) the largest crowd ever turned out for today’s hour of prayer. We may have to ask our atheist friends to try the same stunt next year! What others meant for evil, God meant for good. The crowd of atheists, in contrast, was quite small. Clearly the mainstream public in Idaho still believes in God, in the power of prayer, and in the importance of the public acknowledgement of God.

Kudos to Governor Kempthorne for standing firm in the face of public pressure. I’m sure that the Governor’s office will work out the scheduling bugs, which will be necessary to prevent groups like the Aryan Nations from reserving the capitol steps on Martin Luther King Day. Again it’s disappointing that a group (the Idaho Atheists) which claims to stand for tolerance could not permit the voices of faith one hour to pray without interference.

Former Gov. Phil Batt was the M.C., and assisted in performing a hymn that he himself wrote, a hymn which honors Jesus Christ. Idaho State Supreme Court Justice Dan Eismann led in prayer, as did Nampa mayor, Tom Dale. State Treasurer Ron Crane was on the podium, as was Boise mayor Dave Bieter.

Some have asked me why I participate in an event like this, an event led in part by public officials whose policies I have disagreed with in the past. My response is simple. I believe we should support public officials when they are right, and oppose them when they are wrong, regardless of party affiliation. It is clearly right for public officials to publicly acknowledge our nation’s dependence upon God, and therefore I will support them when they do so. This, of course, does not imply endorsement of all or even any of the positions they might take on other matters.


Don’t forget the yard sale at the home of Penny and Kent Nygaard this Saturday, May 7. Their address is 829 N. Edgewood Lane in Eagle, home phone number 939-2421, Penny’s cell 631-6055. The proceeds will go to help with the costs of the appeal filed by those who were arrested for their peaceful protest when the Ten Commandments monument was removed.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
by Rev. Bryan Fischer
Keep The Commandments Coalition

The ACLU is evidently planning to file suit today against the governor’s office for moving an Idaho Atheists event to a different location so that the National Day of Prayer event can take place this Thursday at its customary time and place.

My friends, do not be fooled into thinking this is anything other than a deliberate effort by the left to interfere with the free exercise of religion. The Idaho Atheists and the ACLU have known for years that the National Day of Prayer event takes place annually on the first Thursday of May from noon to 1 PM on the Capitol steps. They quite intentionally created this controversy by trying to schedule an event of their own at the same time and same place. The governor’s office obviously did the right thing in protecting the historic scheduling of the NDP event.

The Idaho Atheists could have scheduled their event on any of the other 364 days of the year, or any of the other 23 hours on May 5. What they are doing is petty and childish; even three-year-old kids in daycare are taught the importance of sharing, a lesson our atheist friends evidently have yet to master. These are the folks who claim to be the very voice of tolerance, yet they cannot permit the voices of faith to have one hour a year to pray for our state and nation without interference.

Someone needs to remind the Idaho Atheists and the ACLU that the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. And the freedom of religion is guaranteed for everybody, including governors and former governors. It doesn’t guarantee freedom of religion for everybody but public officials. The participation of Gov. Kempthorne and former Gov. Batt is perfectly appropriate. Our president will be participating in a similar event in Washington D.C. on the same day.

Let’s not forget that the National Day of Prayer was created by an Act of Congress and signed by a Democratic president, Harry Truman. This event has been a bi-partisan affair from its inception.

I’ve often said that the ACLU believes in freedom of speech unless that speech is religious speech, and then they become tyrannical censors of the worst sort.

The best thing we can do to support religious freedom and resist the voice of intolerance is to show up en masse this Thursday from noon to 1 PM on the steps of the Capitol. I hope to see you there.

Thursday April 21

Recall effort of Boise Mayor Bieter begins Thursday April 21. Margaret Lawrence of the Hollywood Market of Boise and her supporters state in the recall petition the following:

that David Bieter, holding the office of Mayor of the City of Boise, be recalled by electors of the City of Boise for the following reasons, to wit:

Forced annexation, inadequate pay for police, no detox center, refusal to put bond issues to a vote of the People while ignoring the people in removing the Ten Commandments monument.

Petitions are available to sign till July 5th at the Hollywood Market in Boise located at 1319 N. 8th St. or at various other Boise locations (i.e. downtown Boise Public Library, area Boise post offices)..

For more information about the Ten Commandment Monument issue in Boise, Idaho, click here

Time is Right to Build Nation's First Biblically-Based Mental Health Care Hospital. - Sponsors, Donations and Volunteers Needed
by Kris Long, Boise, Idaho

The Children of Hope Family Hospital, Inc. needs sponsors, donations and volunteers to build and staff the nation's first fully-accredited, Biblically-based mental heath care hospital for seriously emotionally disturbed (SED) children.

Hospital Founder Dr. Anthony Harper, Ph.D. said there is a growing number of Christian parents with SED children who are looking for alternatives to secular counseling practices and bureaucratic insurance policies. "I believe the time is right to proceed with plans for building a hospital that will provide the quality care these parents want for their children."

The Hospital, founded in 1997, is in the development stage, and treatment will be provided almost entirely by volunteers. It grew out of the need for inpatient and outpatient psychiatric services for children with drug abuse and other serious emotional problems from families who cannot afford the high cost of mental health care.

When completed, the Hospital will employ a staff of about 40, including licensed psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, psychologists, counselors, social workers and other salaried or volunteer staff. It will be a 125,000 square-foot facility with 72 beds. The proposed building site is located in Nampa, Idaho, off the Garrity exit across from the Mercy Medical Center.

What makes the Children of Hope Family Hospital unique is its Biblically-based approach to counseling. "There are good treatment centers in Idaho and the country, but none are based on Biblical principles of Christianity," Dr. Harper said. "Our Hospital follows the ethical guidelines of the International Association of Biblical Counselors."

Another feature of the Hospital is that patients will be able to stay as long as necessary to promote a full recovery. "The children of parents who can't afford treatment too often get lost in the cracks of Idaho's mental health care program," according to Dr. Harper. Untreated, SED children grow up with increased risk of committing serious crimes, becoming addicted to drugs or tragically ending their lives by suicide.

"Many psychiatric hospitals rely on insurance payments to fund their services, and when the payments stop, the treatments must also stop," Dr. Harper explained. An important distinction about the Children of Hope Family Hospital treatment is that it isn't primarily funded by insurance. "We don't want finances to be a hindrance to a person's health care at our Hospital."

Dr. Harper has been providing free counseling services for those who can't afford it since 1981. He is listed in the 1999/2000 edition of "Who's Who In Medicine and Healthcare, and he is a national guest lecturer on drug abuse and suicide. Currently in Idaho, adolescents with SED are often committed by the State to the Blackfoot, Intermountain or Orofino treatment centers. The Children of Hope Family Hospital will give parents with a Christian preference a choice for a faith-based treatment center, and Dr. Anthony is convinced there are many parents who would prefer this choice for their children.

"I believe the State of Idaho will commit to providing parents this referral choice," Dr. Harper said. "In which case, there would be a charge to State and counties for our services."

Well-respected Psychiatrists Dr. Peter Breggin, M.D. and Dr. Gary Almy, M.D. believe that in many cases there is excessive and unwarranted use of psychiatric drugs in secular treatment. "The Children of Hope Family Hospital uses medications only when absolutely necessary," Dr. Harper said.

What Christian parents will appreciate about the Hospital is that it promotes a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and participation in Bible studies. Dr. Harper maintains that this personal relationship with Jesus Christ brings about a hope and healing that secular counseling simply can not provide.

The Children of Hope Family Hospital needs your prayers and your financial assistance. Dr. Harper is appealing to concerned Christians, churches and local communities to get involved in making the Hospital a reality. "We want the Hospital to become a model for Christian mental health care in our nation and one that is nationally recognized as a leader in providing quality treatment for those with serious mental illness," he said.

In addition to one-time financial donations, the Hospital needs sponsors who will commit to long-term monthly donations.

"For the construction of the facility, we need as much donated labor and building materials as possible," Dr. Harper said. "We also need social work interns, counselor interns and others who are willing to volunteer their time."

Dr. Harper believes the timing of the construction will depend largely on the acquisition of the land. "We need people to help purchase the land," he said. "I am convinced that once we have the ground-breaking ceremony, we will get the donations and contributions needed to make the rest happen."

The Hospital is incorporated as a nonprofit organization under the laws of the State of Idaho, and donations are tax deductible. It is governed by a board of directors and officers as required by its Articles of Incorporation, with board meetings being held on a monthly basis.

To make a donation or learn more about the Hospital, visit their Web site at: www.childofhope.org For those churches with an interest in sponsoring the Hospital, Dr. Harper is available to present the Hospital plans and answer questions with local congregations or its concerned members.

Your church or local community organization may schedule a personal visit from Dr. Harper by calling (208) 658-8013. You may also request further information by E-mail: drharper@afo.net